Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Aug 2007 Issue arrow 8.3 Commander's Message
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Vol. 37 No. 1           A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers           August 2007

Commander's Message


Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Let me begin this first of my monthly commander’s columns by saying thank you. Thank you for the warm welcome to the district, for accepting me and my family as part of the LA district team.
Thank you for not losing momentum despite the turmoil at the top. And thanks to each one of you for what you do – for the district, for the Corps of Engineers, and for the Army. What you do matters. And I am proud to be a part of your team.

Now just over one month into command, I can tell you that I am very impressed with the passion you display in taking on some very difficult missions. We have a ton of work in our civil, military construction, real estate, and support for others business lines.
Based on what I have seen in this first month, you deliver. Keep doing what you are doing! That is the beauty of the military change of command. For most of you it is business as usual. So keep driving on, accomplish your mission, and take care of people and their families.

I’ll end this first column with two phrases that I would like you to keep in the back of your mind as a reminder of how I operate.
The first one is: Have an offensive mindset. Be aggressive. Take measured risks that are consistent with the Chief of Engineers’ Just Do It card. Try different solutions to problems. Be bold. Communicate with transparency – meaning provide information before asked.
Accomplish your mission on time and under budget. Get ‘er done!

The second one is: Who else needs to know? I realize that when we run at the pace we do that we frequently are slow to share information. This must be a priority. We need to share information willingly with others – left, right, up, down.
Our vertical project delivery teams must all be working off the same sheet of music in order to be able to execute with the offensive mindset we talked about above. Provide customers, stakeholders, the media, and members of congress the same information we have.
Be accurate and truthful. Be offensive about communication.

Thanks again for the welcome. I look forward to seeing you around our district battlefield. Brag about what you do. Then tell me how I can help you do better! Hooah!


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