PROPOSAL NUMBER 00-1 10.03-8523 (Chron: 001478 )
A Constant Force Resistive Exercise Unit

In space, muscles atrophy and bones weaken due to long-term disuse in response to the lack of a gravity resistance vector against which to eccentrically and concentrically do work. To counteract the negative effects of microgravity on muscles and bones, research suggests that astronauts perform muscle-strengthening resistive exercises while in space. Since the lack of gravity renders weight-bearing exercise and traditional weight machines useless, Valeo, Inc. has designed a gravity-independent constant force resistive exercise unit (CFREU) based on uniquely designed constant torque spring "force packs." The CFREU has the ability to allow both eccentric and concentric muscle contractions during exercise while providing a constant force over the entire range of motion of an exercise. The CFREU additionally allows a variety of exercises to be performed, is safe, easy to operate during exercise, requires no power, and has a potential to provide an increased eccentric to concentric muscle loading ratio. The CFREU design essentially resembles a traditional isokinetic machine (with the replacement of the weight stacks by the force packs), thereby providing crewmembers with the familiarity and comfort of a typical weight-lifting routine.

There are three classes of potential commercial applications for the CFREU. The first and most obvious class is the space applications industry. There is an evident need for a gravity-independent exercise unit that can provide a constant force with a potential to provide an increased eccentric to concentric ratio, fashioned in a compact and lightweight design that offers familiarity, safety, and comfort during exercise.
The second class includes exercise rehabilitation equipment companies and physical therapy institutions. As eccentric contraction provides more workload on the muscles than does concentric contraction, research has shown that eccentric exercise is a highly important factor in rehabilitation of injured or weak muscles. In this respect, the incorporation of a new increased eccentric to concentric ratio mechanism to the CFREU is ideal for use in physical therapy regiment. The third class includes the personal home exercise equipment industry. The compact force packs of the CFREU allow the overall unit to be small enough for easy use as a home gym. For the home gym design, force packs may be built with or without the need for the 2:1 eccentric to concentric ratio. Force packs may be purchased individually by a consumer, and used as portable exercise devices when not in use with the full CFREU.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Tara Ruttley
Valeo, Inc.
3002 W. Elizabeth St. #14-H
Fort Collins , CO   80521 - 7512

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Valeo, Inc.
3002 W. Elizabeth Dr. #14-H
Fort Collins , CO   80521 - 7512