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November 18, 2007

The canopy at the end of the day

With the new glass canopy in place, the courtyard itself becomes a place of changing light, in a sense, alive. Now, late in the day, the bright light of high noon has been replaced with mid- to late-afternoon light—a pale blue darkening gradually like ink. The light makes the feeling in the room change too, so that even when the jugglers leave, the hat makers go home, the plate spinners stop spinning, the courtyard will still be a place where magic happens. 

Posted by Howard on November 18, 2007 in Museum Opening


Thanks for the liveblogging--reading this was the next-best thing to being there. I can't wait to check it out when I'm back in town!

Posted by: Cassie | Nov 19, 2007

That late-afternoon blue looks against the canopy looks really cool. Thanks for posting.

Posted by: Joe | Nov 20, 2007

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