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Shock Testing of Equipment and
Structural Building Models


Researchers at the ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL) test the ability of systems and facilities to survive under realistic conditions of weapons-induced shock and vibration, and earthquake ground motion using the Triaxial Earthquake and Shock Simulator (TESS), an experimental 3-dimensional "shake table." This can include a wide variety of tests, including testing shock survivability of computer equipment, computer floors, and shock isolation systems in military facilities. TESS's triaxial motion makes it ideal for studying the behavior of structural building models and components in seismic environments. Research in this area often focuses on ways to increase the seismic resistance of steel, reinforced concrete, and masonry structures (shown below), and results in the testing and implementation of innovative materials, design improvements, and building rehabilitation techniques.


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Masonry test specimen assembled on the shake table. (click to view larger image)

Masonry test specimen assembled on the shake table.

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Page last updated: 02 September 2008

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