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Distributed Snow Process Model


The Distributed Snow Process Model (DSPM) enables snowmelt to be factored into estimates of watershed runoff for operational water control and hydrologic studies. The model, developed by ERDC's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), has been incorporated into the Hydrologic Engineer Center's Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS), which is widely used by Corps of Engineers Districts to simulate precipitation runoff.

DSPM estimates snowmelt in any sub-area of watershed using the SSARR_grid snow process model. Sub-area is usually defined as a spatial grid cell of arbitrary size, al-though the grid cells usually are 1 or 2 km2 in size. The SSARR_grid model was extracted from the original SSARR model using the "Snow-Band" snowmelt computation, which estimates liquid water available at the soil surface for a sub-area for one-time step. The model is a temperature index model that accounts for cold content and liquid water content of the snow. The melt factor can be a constant, or a function of the antecedent temperature or time of year.

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Distributed Snow Process Model

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