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ERDC Laboratory Hires Young Engineers

4 Feb 04 - Vicksburg, Miss. -- The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Miss., recently hired three engineers at its Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL).

Jonathan Bennett is a research structural engineer in the GSL Survivability Engineering Branch. In this position, he will conduct research related to weapons effects on structures. Results of this research will be implemented into Army combat modeling and simulation software being developed by the ERDC. Bennett will also support the Urban Terrain Information Constructs program with new weapons effects decision tools designed for combat in complex urban environments.

Bennett worked for the ERDC for five summers as a contract student before being employed full time in January. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering from Mississippi State University.

Bradley Foust photo Bradley Foust is a research structural engineer in the GSL Structural Mechanics Branch. In this position, Foust will work on innovative concrete research and ballistic testing of different types of materials. This research supports work being conducted by the ERDC for the U.S. Department of State.

Foust is a native of Holly Pond, Ala., and attended Auburn University, where he earned bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering with an emphasis on structural engineering.

Stephen Robert photo Stephen Robert was hired as a research structural engineer in the GSL Structural Mechanics Branch. In this position, he will work on such projects as follow-on subscale air-backed wall experiments and third scale fragment effects experiments. A native of New Orleans, La., Robert graduated from Louisiana State University with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering in May 2003.

The ERDC is the premier research and development facility for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It consists of seven laboratories at four geographical sites, with over 2,000 employees, $1.2 billion in facilities, and an annual research program exceeding $700 million. It conducts research in both military and civil works mission areas for the Department of Defense and the nation.


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