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Army leaders sign community covenant

Army  Community Covenant signing20 Jun 08 -- Vicksburg, Miss. -- Dr. James Houston, ERDC Director, joined other Army and Vicksburg community leaders June 7 to sign the Army Community Covenant.

The covenant is designed to develop and foster effective state and community partnerships with the Army in improving the quality of life for Soldiers and their families.  By signing the covenant, Army and community leaders recognize the strength of America’s Soldiers and their family members, and pledge their mutual support to one another.

ERDC, the Corps’ Mississippi Valley Division and Vicksburg District, the 412th Engineer Command and the 168th Engineer Group are all located in Vicksburg.  These five Army commands contribute tremendously to the local community – financially, educationally, and culturally – and each command participated in the signing ceremony to reinforce the Army’s commitment to Vicksburg.  

In addition to Houston, participants in the ceremony included Maj. Gen. Paul Hamm, Commander, 412th Engineer Command; Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh, Commander, Mississippi Valley Division; Col. Michael Wehr, Commander, Vicksburg District; Col. Jansen Boyles, 168th Engineer Group; Richard George, President, Warren County Board of Supervisors; and David Haworth, Army Reserve Ambassador.


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