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ERDC Engineer Research & Development Center Employees Recognized for Excellence

Hanover, N.H.-The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is the premier research and development facility for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with more than 2,000 employees and an annual research program exceeding $700 million. The laboratories are geographically dispersed with facilities in New Hampshire, Virginia, Illinois, and Mississippi. The success of the ERDC lies in the achievements of its employees.

The Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) is one of the seven laboratories that comprise the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).

"This year marks the 43rd year of the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. From our inception in 1961 to our current status as a world renowned research and development facility, CRREL has tackled some of the toughest engineering problems faced by the Corps of Engineers, the Army and the nation. We have a rich heritage in cold regions research and engineering - a heritage of excellence in problem solving and professionalism," said James L. Wuebben, CRREL's Acting Director.

Many employees working at CRREL provide support to one or all of the other laboratories within ERDC.

CRREL employees were honored for superior achievement at the laboratory's annual Engineer Day celebration on June 25. Presenting the awards were Joe Roberto, Deputy to the Commander ERDC, and CRREL's Acting Director Jim Wuebben.

The following individuals received Department of the Army Awards:

  • Achievement Medal for Civilian Service ¿ Dr. Gary E. Phetteplace, Lyme
  • Commander's Award for Civilian Service ¿ Lisa M. Fiori, South Royalton; Nancy H. Greeley, Hanover; and Charles P. Zdunczyk, Lebanon
  • Gulf Region Division Certificate of Achievement ¿ Charles P. Zdunczyk, Lebanon.

Recipients of U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Awards were:

  • Engineer Research and Development Center Achievement Award ¿ Dr. Donald G. Albert, Norwich.
  • Engineer Research and Development Center Technical Support Achievement Award ¿ Kevin L. Bjella, Hartford.
  • Engineer Research and Development Center Administrative Support Achievement Award ¿ Vicki L. Keating, Plainfield.

Recipients of a Patent Award were: Drs. Norbert E. Yankielun and Charles C. Ryerson for their joint patent, "Device, and Method of its use, for Concurrent Real-time Alerting to Accumulation of Material Upon Multiple Areas of a Surface."

CRREL also awarded laboratory honors to:

  • Research and Development Achievement Award ¿ Dr. Donald G. Albert, Norwich.
  • Administrative Support Achievement Award ¿ Vicki L. Keating, Plainfield.
  • Technical Support Achievement Award (Specific Project) ¿ Kevin L. Bjella, Hartford./li>
  • Technology Transfer Achievement Award ¿ Dr. Charles M. Reynolds, Lebanon.
  • Team Effort Award ¿ Troy W. Arnold, Tunbridge; Andew J. Bruzewicz, Lebanon; Steven F. Daly, Piermont; John J. Gagnon, Enfield; Gordon E. Gooch, Enfield; Tommie J. Hall, Bradford; Tina M. Morgan, Woodstock; Michael Smith, Canaan; Andrew M. Tuthill, Etna; Carrie M. Vuyovich, Haverhill; Patricia B. Weyrick, Thetford; Kathleen D. White, Norwich; and Christopher R. Williams, Grafton.
  • Partnership in Education Award ¿ Dr. Susan Taylor, Lebanon.
  • Gallery of Distinguished Employees ¿ CRREL retirees Dr. Lewis E. "Ed" Link, Jr., Middletown, Md. (formerly a long-time resident of Lebanon, N.H.); Walter B. "Terry" Tucker, Lebanon; and Donna R. Valliere, Lebanon.

CRREL is the only Department of Defense laboratory addressing problems and opportunities unique to the world's cold regions. Located in Hanover, N.H., CRREL also has field offices in Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska.


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