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Foreign (Second) Language

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Second (Foreign) Language Program provides students the opportunity to communicate in multi-lingual and multi-cultural societies. The program also prepares students to meet the ever-increasing demands of a global community by teaching the importance of learning second languages, studying other cultures, and developing a speaking proficiency in one or more foreign languages.


Korea, Japan, Germany, France, Spain, China flags

The DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam schools offer second (foreign) language courses in Korean, Japanese, German, French, and Spanish. For the first time during school year 06-07, Mandarin Chinese was offered in five selected Pacific middle schools and high schools. The addition of this strategic language to the DoDEA Foreign Language curriculum is an initiative to meet the language needs of our students in the 21st century. During school year 07-08, the Chinese FL program has expanded to include five additional middle and high schools.

High school graduation requirements require two credits in the same second (foreign) language. Students are encouraged to study the language of the host nation so they can take advantage of the cultural and linguistic environment in which they live. The new 2006 DoDEA K-12 Foreign Language Standards and Proficiency Expectations emphasize oral proficiency rather than translation, grammar, and reading so that students will be able to develop speaking competencies beginning in the first year. They incorporate the 5 C's of the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Standards - Communities, Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, and Connections.

A FLES (Foreign Language in the Elementary School) Spanish Program was implemented in selected Pacific elementary schools during SY 06-07. Implementation began with grades K-1 in eight Pacific Area schools which expanded to include grades 2 or 3 this year. As part of the program’s expansion, 12 more elementary schools initiated the K-1 program this year. The goal of the DoDEA Foreign Language Program is to build capacity in foreign languages by starting learning at the earliest age possible. A second goal of the program is to implement foreign language instruction as an integral part of the core curriculum for all K-8 students.


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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
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