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Environmental Management System (EMS) Policy

  1. Chief Joseph Dam Project is committed to the protection and conservation of the environment through the use of an Environmental Management System (EMS). All employees are responsible for incorporating the EMS into their planning and work as we carry out the missions of hydroelectric power, river regulation, environmental stewardship, and recreation for the people of thr Pacific Northwest and the Nation.
  2. In order to fulfill out responsibility to the environment, we must look beyond meeting the legal requirements and use a broader approach by "thinking environmentally" in all program areas. Project wide, we are committed to:

            a. Excellence; through the implementation of an EMS that will meet the project mission objective while protecting the environment and human health.

             b. Minimizing the creation of waste through the efficient use of materials and careful planning .

             c. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations while accepting responsibility and accountability for compliance failure.

              d. Monitoring environmental impacts, targets and objectives, and implementing preventive and corrective measures.

               e. Minimizing and preventing the release of pollutants into the environment.

3. This policy will be communicated to all current and future employees and be made available to the public.

4. Point for this policy, Carlton Morris mat be reached at (509) 686-2228.

5. As the project manager at Chief Joseph Dam, I affirm my commitment to this policy. It will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains viable and current.


                                                                                   Mark C. Jenson, P.E.

                                                                                    Operations Manager

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