HRD Mission

To provide advice and support to managers in fulfilling their human resources 
management responsibilities. To develop and administer personnel/EEO programs needed by the Naval Academy work force and other populations service by the Human Resources Department. 


1. Develops, implements, and administers a comprehensive human resources program which includes staffing, labor and employee relations, employee development, wage and classification administration, and Equal Employment Opportunity. 

2. Provides total personnel management advice and services to all levels of the Naval Academy complex. 

3. Through the Deputy EEO Officer, serves as the principal advisor on all EEO matters, including the Federal Women's Program and the Hispanic Employment Program. 

4. Provides programs to promote equal opportunities in employment and personnel policies and practices irrespective of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age, political affiliation, and physical or mental handicap. 

5. Manages the discrimination complaints process. 

6. Plans, develops, and administers the Worker's Compensation and Drug Free Workplace 