



Special Events


Mission Statement
The Instructional Development Support Center (IDSC) at the U.S. Naval Academy's was created by a gift from the Naval Academy Alumni Association. It is a part of the Faculty Enhancement Center. The center's mission is to support faculty in enhancing teaching and learning processes and provide faculty with access to the latest instructional technology tools.

Major Responsibilities of the IDT
The Instructional Design Technologist, Dr. Julie Zhu, is in charge of the IDSC and her major responsibilities include developing and conducting faculty workshops on educational technology software and on teaching pedagogy; consulting with faculty on instructional design and development projects; providing support to faculty in integrating existing and emerging technologies into instruction; and coordinating projects supporting faculty use of technology in instruction. For a list of services provided by the IDSC, please refer to the Services page.

Primary Functions of the IDSC

  • to serve as a classroom for faculty workshops
  • to provide a state-of-the-art space where faculty can work on projects and receive assistance from the Instructional Design Technologist
  • to operate as a technology test-bed where faculty can experiment with the latest technologies for classroom delivery of instruction

Services, Workshops, Facilities, Resources, Special Events, Survey, Contact Info, CTL

United States Naval Academy
Instructional Development Support Center
Nimitz 107, 589 McNair Road
Annapolis, MD 21402

Last Updated: January 8, 2008