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MLN - General Information

Contact Us

Medicare Learning Network=

Do you have:

  • Questions about our MLN products?
  • Suggestions for topics you would like us to consider for future educational products?
  • Preferences for the type of product we develop (e.g., web-based training, fact sheet, brochure.......)?
  • Suggestions for improving our products?

The Medicare Learning Network (MLN) is interested in hearing from you.   Your feedback is important to us and we use your suggestions to help us improve our educational products and to develop products that better meet your educational needs. 

Send your suggestions to MLN@cms.hhs.gov

Thank you for your interest in the Medicare Learning Network.


MLN Products Catalog, Updated Sept 2008 [PDF 4.7MB]

Provider Call Center Toll-Free Numbers Directory [ZIP 27KB]

CMS Electronic Mailing Lists Fact Sheet [PDF, 129KB]
Related Links Inside CMS

MLN General Information

MLN Matters Articles

MLN Products

MLN Educational Web Guides

MLN Product Ordering Page

Web Based Training (WBT) Modules

CMS Mailing Lists
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Page Last Modified: 09/03/2008 7:19:18 AM
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