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OMB-Approved Planning and Operations Public Surveys

The surveys accessible through this page are a catalog of questionnaires currently approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that are managed by IWR to provide a framework for creating and conducting water resource surveys.

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Title Description Download Survey
Agricultural Flood Damage Survey  This is a comprehensive agricultural damage survey that can be used for estimating project benefits by determining with and without conditions. The survey covers historic flood experience, cropping patterns, effect of flooding on crops yield, crops damage, and production budgets. There are also questions to determine the effect of flooding on farm property. (revised 2007)  Download
Agricultural Flood Damage Survey 
Aquatic Plants, Recreation, and Lake Residents  This survey focuses on a variety of water quality and related environmental problems and how these problems impact on recreation and quality of life issues. The seasonal affects of several environmental concerns that arise from aquatic plants and water quality issues are detailed in this survey. The survey helps determine the public perceptions of the primary causes and the responsibility for managing the problems. (revised 2007)  Download
Aquatic Plants, Recreation, and Lake Residents 
Beach Questionnaire  Respondents are asked to describe and evaluate the quality of their beach activities at a particular site in comparison to other beaches. Expenditures are tracked to determine their economic impacts. Travel information can be used for travel costs evaluation.  Download
Beach Questionnaire 
Beach Recreation Visitor Survey  Respondents are asked to describe and evaluate the quality of their beach activities at a particular site in comparison to other beaches. Expenditures are tracked to determine their economic impacts. Respondents are asked about their satisfaction with the beach experience based on the factors that they consider most important.  Download
Beach Recreation Visitor Survey 
Boat Survey  This questionnaire is designed to provide information on recreational boat ownership, and also on whether or not boat owners would rent marina facilities that might be provided and operated by private businesses on Corps lakes. Questions provide the following types of information: boat use location, number of people going on a typical boating trip, past/future marina service rentals, number of boating trips and frequency of use by destination and unit of time, characteristics of boat(s) owned, boat registration number, types of purchases during a boating trip, age and occupation of the boat owner. (revised 2007)  Download
Boat Survey 
Business Flood Loss Survey  The business flood loss survey contains questions on historical and hypothetical flood loss to buildings, transportation, utilities, equipment, and other fixtures. The survey also covers nonphysical flood costs, such as emergency expenses and income losses. (revised 2007)  Download
Business Flood Loss Survey 
Business Location Survey  This survey can be used for determining location and intensification benefits and other benefits from future floodplain development. Questions are included on location factors that have and will influence location decisions, particularly the influence of flooding and flood protection on location, expansion, or cutbacks. (revised 2007)  Download
Business Location Survey 
Camper Customer Satisfaction Survey  This survey can be used for gauging customer satisfaction with lake campgrounds. The questions included involve the group composition of respondents and the quality of their experience at the site. (revised 2007)  Download
Camper Customer Satisfaction Survey 
Campground Questionnaire  The questions in this questionnaire are mainly designed for recreation operations investigations of camper behavior and preferences. Questions provide information on primary camping destination, distance traveled, numbers of camping trips and nights camped at Corps campgrounds, activities participated in while camping, importance of campground facilities/services/ amenities/location, type of camping group, type of camping equipment, perceived quality of campground facilities/services/amenities/experiences, satisfaction with campgrounds, importance of costs, and willingness to pay fees. Other questions provide the following types of demographic information for Corps campers: zip code, household size, gender, age, education, occupation, ethnicity, race, and household income. (revised 2007)  Download
Campground Questionnaire 
Carrier Closure Survey  This survey is used to determine how a waterway carrier responds to lock closures and the impact of the closures on the carrier.  Download
Carrier Closure Survey 
Carrier Survey  The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information on inland waterway carriers and the commodities they carry. The categories of information collected include: carrier characteristics, baseline equipment information, types and amounts of commodities carried, equipment operating costs, employee types and wage rates, barge rates and costs for different commodities, types of problems experienced by carriers, economic impacts, and cost recovery. (revised 2007)  Download
Carrier Survey 
Channel Improvements for Commercial Fishing Survey  These are questions related to the following kinds of information on commercial fishing: descriptive information on fishing vessels, information on vessel usage, species catch by trip and season and dock location, harvesting costs, vessel maintenance/repair costs, delays in harvesting caused by unfavorable channel conditions, prices paid for catch and proceeds from fishing trips, places where catch is sold, and potential price increases and decreases for catch. (revised 2007)  Download
Channel Improvements for Commercial Fishing Survey 
Charter Fishing Survey  This survey ask for detailed information on the respondent’s operating fleet and equipment. There are questions on charter rates and number of fish by type of fish and on the number of trips by type of fish. Respondents are also asked about wave height and other potential problems with navigation through the channel entrance. (revised 2007)  Download
Charter Fishing Survey 
Coastal Storm Damage Questionnaire  This survey asks about property characteristics to determine susceptibility to coastal flooding and erosion. The survey inquires about previous flood and erosion experience and how the respondent and the community have adjusted to these problems. (revised 2007)  Download
Coastal Storm Damage Questionnaire 
Commercial and Industrial Flood Damage Survey  This survey facilities the inventory of major components of business property. It includes questions about hypothetical damages at various flood levels to each of the inventoried components. The survey also inquires about the extent of other costs of flooding at hypothetical levels of inundation. (revised 2007)  Download
Commercial and Industrial Flood Damage Survey 
Commercial Fishing Boat Survey  This questionnaire is designed for interviewing fishing boat owners/operators. Types of information collected by this questionnaire include: descriptive characteristics of fishing vessel, crew size, where vessel is based and operated, working times at different ports and processing plants, number of days and fishing trips made by species/day/ month, vessel maintenance and repairs and problems due to harbor conditions, delays due to basin/channel/dock congestion, harbor facilities needed, effect of harbor improvements on trips needed to alternative ports or to leave port, types of nets/lines/other equipment used, fuel use per hour and travel time to fishing grounds, crew wages and share of catch, packing and processing costs per pound, species catch and price received, vessel repair and maintenance costs, alternative waterways used and distance traveled by comparison, and an "other" information question. (revised 2007)  Download
Commercial Fishing Boat Survey 
Corps of Engineers Recreation Use On-Site Survey  This set of survey questions can be used as a guideline for employees stopping individuals to ask questions about their experience at recreational facilities. The document provides both directions for the interviewer for recording data collected as well as questions to be asked regarding satisfaction with the facilities. (revised 2007; formerly titled, "Corps of Engineers Traffic Stop Recreation Use Survey")  Download
Corps of Engineers Recreation Use On-Site Survey 
Customer Feedback Form  This survey is a general compilation of customer satisfaction questions. It can be adapted for a variety of water resource settings to procure information about customer opinions. (revised 2007)  Download
Customer Feedback Form 
Customer Satisfaction - General  The purpose of this questionnaire is to establish the level of customer familiarity with the corps; the level of customer satisfaction with corps construction, operations and maintenance, floodplain management, tribal issues, project management, permit regulations, the NEPA process, river basin studies, and corps effectiveness and efficiency. It also contains questions to determine what problems are encountered with the Corps and ways the Corps can improve relations with other (customer) agencies. (revised 2007)  Download
Customer Satisfaction - General 
Customer Satisfaction - Lake Visitation  The main purpose of this questionnaire is to describe the recreational visits made to Corps lakes in terms of such characteristics as: number of visits, amount of time spent by visitors in all visits, type of recreational activity, type of boat used on the lake. It also contains questions to establish perceived problems and proposed corrective changes at Corps lakes. (revised 2007)  Download
Customer Satisfaction - Lake Visitation 
Customer Satisfaction - Permit Application  The purpose of this questionnaire is to establish permit applicants' evaluation of the different aspects of the Corps permit application process, and by implication, their satisfaction with the process. This includes their ratings of the professionalism, timeliness, courtesy in correspondence and telephone conversations, Corps assistance in resolving objections and modifications or their denial, and the time needed to complete the process. Questions describing the permit applicant and his suggestions for improvements are also included. (revised 2007)  Download
Customer Satisfaction - Permit Application 
Customer Service Survey  This questionnaire allows the customer to gauge their agreement on a variety of statements about the Corps of Engineers on a five point range. The topics covered include attitude of the Corps, products and services provided, quality of project management, timeliness of service, level of information provided, quality of communication, and general customer input. (revised 2007)  Download
Customer Service Survey 
Dock and Terminal Survey  The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information on the following aspects of docks and terminals: user information, location, site characteristics, loading and unloading equipment, storage facilities, commodity information, intermodal connections, employment and wages, rates and costs, user problems, and recommendations. (revised 2007)  Download
Dock and Terminal Survey 
Economic Impact of Recreation  This questionnaire asks respondents to detail the extent of expenditures before a trip to a recreation area, while traveling, and during the stay at a Corps facility in order to determine the extent of economic impact and where the impact occurred.   Download
Economic Impact of Recreation 
Emergency Response Questionnaire  Respondents are asked about their behavior when there is an emergency evacuation, whether they evacuated, what influenced their behavior, and the nature of warning and preparedness measures that were in place during the emergency.  Download
Emergency Response Questionnaire 
Environmental Quality Questionnaire  This survey is intended to measure the awareness of environment quality concerns in around any particular river. The respondents are asked to rate various water quality concerns and identify the seriousness of each problem, how each problem personally affects them. The respondent is asked opinions about the most promising ways of dealing with the problem and what he or she considers the best way to relay information to the public. (revised 2007)  Download
Environmental Quality Questionnaire 
Ethnic Minority User Survey  This survey is a resource for conducting a verbal survey to gauge the experience of minority recreation visitors to Corps of Engineers facilities. The document includes instructions for what the surveyor should say as well as questions related to outdoor recreation and recreation participation of the individuals being interviewed. (revised 2007)  Download
Ethnic Minority User Survey 
Facility Environmental Cleanup  This survey is targeted at individuals who live in areas surrounding Corps of Engineers facilities. The questions cover a range of topics including problems with home and farm water supply due to facility influence. The questionnaire also includes both questions with a variety of response to choose from as well as subjective questions for the interviewer to gauge a full range of responses. (revised 2007)  Download
Facility Environmental Cleanup 
Habitat Needs Questionnaire  Respondents are asked about the conditions that they believe are important in defining a desirable habitat and the qualities of their desired future habitat. They are asked to respond to a presentation on habitat conditions and about their opinion on the type of forum to best express their views on habitat conditions.  Download
Habitat Needs Questionnaire 
Hazardous Material and Waste Storage Survey  This survey is to determine what material respondents have stored on their property that may be potentially hazardous. Respondents are asked about the source of water supply and waste treatment and disposal at the site. (revised 2007)  Download
Hazardous Material and Waste Storage Survey 
Hunter Profile  This questionnaire provides a variety of questions to both categorize and better understand the profile of the hunters on Corps of Engineers facilities. The questions range from basic individual information to specific information regarding the individual's hunting preferences. The information gained about hunting preferences includes expenditure profiles as well as time and travel information. (revised 2007)  Download
Hunter Profile 
Institutional/Floodplain Management Questionnaire  Respondents are asked to describe the size, jurisdiction, objectives, and capability of their organization or agency. Their opinions are sought on the advisability of and their possible role in implementing various flood damage reduction measures.  Download
Institutional/Floodplain Management Questionnaire 
Internet Reservation (PARK.NET) Service Survey  This survey is used to gauge customer satisfaction with the customer service provided by the Park.net system following the placement of the initial reservation. The questions cover post reservation service as well as the campground check-in process. (revised 2007)  Download
Internet Reservation (PARK.NET) Service Survey 
Lake Boater Summer Survey  This survey can be used to gather information about the profile of lake boaters over a wide variety of aspects. Questions cover basic visitor descriptions, past and present lake experiences, and individual lake preferences. (revised 2007)  Download
Lake Boater Summer Survey 
Lake Residents Recreation Survey  The questions in this questionnaire are designed for interviewing people living near Corps projects. Questions provide information on number of household members or guests who recreate at the Corps project, the amount of time they do so, the activities they participate in there, their seasons of use, the adequacy of the number of outdoor recreation facilities at the project, perceptions of project-related problems, type of boat or watercraft ownership and storage, property location and boundaries with government property, special uses of property, Corps permits for particular facilities and activities, and mode of transportation to project lake. (revised 2007)  Download
Lake Residents Recreation Survey 
Lake Visit Expenditure Survey  This survey can be used to document the profile of visitors trips to Corps of Engineers lakes and rivers. The survey can also be used to better understand travel and vacation expenses of individuals who use the Corps lakes and rivers for recreation. (revised 2007)  Download
Lake Visit Expenditure Survey 
Lake Visitor Survey  This is survey probes lake visitors satisfaction with the boating conditions at any particular Corps lake. The survey inquires about the safety of boating conditions and whether there are any areas that are to be avoid because of hazards. Respondents are asked about noise and other problems that might detract from the enjoyment of their lake visit. Answers can be related to the respondents history of lake visits and the type of boat used on the lake. (revised 2007)  Download
Lake Visitor Survey 
Lock Closure Survey  This survey is used to determine how a waterway shipper responds to lock closures and the impact of the closures on the shipper.  Download
Lock Closure Survey 
Marina Survey  This questionnaire includes questions to better understand the customer satisfaction with various marina aspects. This questionnaire includes questions involving physical marina structure, water levels surrounding the marina, and methods for adapting to water levels. (revised 2007)  Download
Marina Survey 
Multi-Use Management of Large River Systems  Respondents are asked about boating, fishing, and other outdoor activities that might be affected by the introduction and spread of non-native aquatic plants. (revised 2007)  Download
Multi-Use Management of Large River Systems 
Nonresidential Flood Damage Survey  This survey is used to learn about the responding business’s recent flood experience and how the business has responded to the threat of flooding. Questions are included to determine the value of all contents, outside property, and the depreciated replacement value of the building. Respondents are asked to estimate the structure, content, and vehicle damage as well as emergency and cleanup costs for hypothetical flood levels. (revised 2007)  Download
Nonresidential Flood Damage Survey 
Public Damage Survey  This is a short survey that asks about the extent of public damages and other public costs of flooding from a single event. Total public costs and hours of volunteer time for emergency operations are included. (revised 2007)  Download
Public Damage Survey 
Public Participation - Flood Damage Reduction Questionnaire  Respondents are asked to indicate the seriousness of flooding and related problems to themselves and their community. People are asked to indicate how they may have been involved or intended be involved in issues related to flooding in a particular area. Flood victims are how flooding has affected their lives. Respondents are also asked to comment on how they feel about alternative management strategies to deal with the flooding problem. (revised 2007)  Download
Public Participation - Flood Damage Reduction Questionnaire 
Quarterly Customer Survey  This quarterly survey can be used to monitor customer satisfaction with Corps products and services. Space for comments about questions and areas for improvement will allow the surveyor to understand a range of customer opinions. (revised 2007)  Download
Quarterly Customer Survey 
Recreation Activities  This survey contains questions pertaining to a wide variety of recreation activities. Activities discussed include boating, fishing, hunting, and camping, as well as general recreational information. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Activities 
Recreation Customer Satisfaction Survey  The main purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data on recreation area visitors and their visitation history. Information needs addressed by this questionnaire are demographics of visitors, size of their group and length of stay in the recreation area, type of recreational activities participation, repeat visitation information, and information on substitute sites visited. It also includes ratings questions for customer service issues, recreation experiences possible at the area, satisfactions with facilities, activities and information provided, and suggestions for changes. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Customer Satisfaction Survey 
Recreation Expenditure Survey  This survey covers recreational equipment use and expenditure that can be utilized to better understand recreational users of Corps of Engineers facilities. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Expenditure Survey 
Recreation Management  This questionnaire covers a wide variety of recreation management issues. This issues include activity management, fiscal policy, law enforcement, and management problem areas, as well as proposed actions and the importance of management actions. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Management 
Recreation Respondent Profile  This survey can be used to better understand the general profile of recreational facilities users as well as their motivations and preferences for their vacation. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Respondent Profile 
Recreation Sites  This survey can be used to gain understanding of recreational visitors site use behavior by the end of their recreational stay. Questions cover current site-use, which contains questions regarding a specific trip; past site-use behavior, which contains questions about the respondent's historical patterns of site-use; and general site-use characteristics. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Sites 
Recreation Value Questionnaire  This questionnaire provides a willingness-to-pay question; with scenario and accompanying questions to document reasons for non-response, substitution effects on other recreation areas, and allocation of total willingness-to-pay among various components of the recreation area being valued. A set of demographic questions is also included at the end of this questionnaire. (revised 2007)  Download
Recreation Value Questionnaire 
Residential Contents Survey  This survey is used to determine household content values and content to structure value ratios. Most of the survey is a comprehensive, room-by-room accounting of residential household contents. Major categories of residential contents typically found in each room are listed here. Respondents are asked to give either an estimated current cash (depreciated replacement) value or the total replacement cost and average age for each group of items so that the depreciated replacement value can be calculated. Household characteristics are asked to estimate the depreciated replacement value of the home. Demographic background questions are asked to aid developing estimation models of residential content values. (revised 2007)  Download
Residential Contents Survey 
Residential Flood Damage Questionnaire  This is a thorough survey for estimating physical damage and other costs of flooding to residential property. Detailed household descriptions are used to estimate the depreciated replacement value of the structure. Structural damage and damages prevented are determined for various parts of the household structure. This survey is designed for post-flood evaluation and estimation of depth-damage functions. (revised 2007)  Download
Residential Flood Damage Questionnaire 
Residential Flood Warning Questionnaire  The benefits and private costs of flood warning and preparedness activities can be estimated using this questionnaire. This survey can be used to determine how effective different flood warning methods and response activities are and how flood warning response might vary by demographic characteristics of the population. (revised 2007)  Download
Residential Flood Warning Questionnaire 
River Basin Boating Survey  The main purpose of this questionnaire is to describe the boating trips taken to river basin project areas. Questions include whether or not the interviewee owns and uses a boat and, if so, the number of trips taken with that boat during each season of the year in the last 12 months to particular river basin project areas. Other questions ask the number of days, persons, and activities pertaining to a "typical trip." Other questions ask about the type(s) of access used to get onto a lake or river and about the amount of money spent on various types of purchases at the lake or river where the boat was used most often. The end of the questionnaire includes a series of questions on descriptive characteristics of the boat and its motor, including purchase information, and questions on rental or storage fees and insurance costs. (revised 2007)  Download
River Basin Boating Survey 
River Recreation Quality Survey  The main purpose of this questionnaire is to assess the perceived quality of recreation on a river. There are eight sets of rating items in this questionnaire. The first set of rating items provides information on perceived importance of the river to the interviewee. The second set of items rates interviewee familiarity with different stretches of the river. The third set rates the perceived quality of the river and its importance to the economy of the region. The fourth set rates both quality and availability of outdoor recreation attributes. The fifth rates support for management actions to improve recreation quality. The sixth rates the river in comparison to other recreation areas in the region. The seventh rates the degree of benefit from the river perceived by the interviewee. The eight rates the degree of different types of negative impacts on river quality. (revised 2007)  Download
River Recreation Quality Survey 
River Transportation Choice and Needs Survey  This questionnaire asks shippers to identify their primary commodities and means of shipping and the factors that affect their choice of shipping mode. They are asked how their decisions are affected by transportation rates, transit time, and reliability.   Download
River Transportation Choice and Needs Survey 
Shipper Interview Survey  The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect the following kinds of information from inland waterway shippers: terminal user information (e.g. names of waterway shippers), commodities shipped, information on alternative transport modes for shipping different commodities, commodity origins and destinations, rates and costs for waterway use, and future changes or shifts in commodity shipping. (revised 2007)  Download
Shipper Interview Survey 
Shipper Survey  The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect the following kinds of information from inland waterway shippers: names/addresses/locations/phone numbers of docks and terminals, names/addresses/phone numbers of shippers, name and job title of person interviewed, names of commodities shipped and received, weight/season/terminal/ transport mode for commodities shipped. Regulation of commodities shipped, and origin/destination/tonnage/rate for commodities shipped. (revised 2007)  Download
Shipper Survey 
Slip Renters Survey  This survey can be used to better understand the profile of slip renters in a given marina area. Questions explore boat-owning status, the value of recreational boating, opinions and perceptions, and general background information. (revised 2007)  Download
Slip Renters Survey 
Small Boat Survey  This questionnaire is divided into three sections: I) boat owning status, 2) value of protecting a small boat harbor, and, 3) background information. Questions on boat owning status provide descriptive information on boat characteristics, number of trips taken with the boat, number of times the boat was used, number of people using the boat, problems encountered at the project(s) where the boat was used, boat damages sustained at the project(s), types of boating activities participated in during the year, boat slip rentals and costs, and preferred location for berthing boat. Questions on the value of protecting a small boat harbor are on "willingness to pay" above present cost to rent a slip. Questions on background information include occupational status education, gender, marital status, and number of persons in the household. (revised 2007)  Download
Small Boat Survey 
Steamship Line Survey  The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information on deep draft navigation. Types of information include: ID information on deep draft shippers, characteristics of the existing vessel fleet, vessel operating practices and activity information, types of cargo carried to and from different ports, port channel/traffic/safety conditions, trade route information, vessel and port costs per cargo ton and per hour, dock and navigation problems, needed waterway improvements and their potential benefits. (revised 2007)  Download
Steamship Line Survey 
Telephone Reservation Service Survey  This survey is used to gauge customer satisfaction of those customers who utilized the Park.net service. The questions asked gauge satisfaction of customer service, campground choices, meeting information needs, applicable fees and policies, and the confirmation of reservation, as well as general customer satisfaction. (revised 2007; formerly known as "Customer Satisfaction Telephone Reservation Survey")  Download
Telephone Reservation Service Survey 
Transportation Choice and Satisfaction Survey  Shippers are asked about their current shipping patterns and the most important factors affecting their shipping decisions. These factors are analyzed in relation to the shippers characteristics.   Download
Transportation Choice and Satisfaction Survey 
Visit Comment Card  This survey contains a list of items for a customer to rate the value of the park facilities. There is also space for the customer to write in comments about desired improvements and whether the experience met their expectations. (revised 2007)  Download
Visit Comment Card 
Visitor Center Entrance Survey  This questionnaire is used to understand the profile of visitors entering recreational facilities. Questions cover general information as well as knowledge of the Corps of Engineers and their mission. (revised 2007)  Download
Visitor Center Entrance Survey 
Visitor Center Exit Survey  This questionnaire can be used to better understand the knowledge and information gained by visitors exiting visitor centers. Questions cover the recreation facilities, knowledge of the Corps of Engineers, and satisfaction with interpretive programs and field trips. (revised 2007)  Download
Visitor Center Exit Survey 
Water Conservation  This survey allows the researcher to determine the acceptability of various measures in the household and community to conserve water. The questionnaire identifies household characteristics that might influence water use and conservation. Results of the survey can be used to evaluate how effective alternative water conservation might be particularly based on the composition of the population. (revised 2007)  Download
Water Conservation 
Water Level Impacts on Recreation Use  Using various water release scenarios, the survey measures the public view of how water level changes would affect the quality of recreational boating and recreational boating decisions. (revised 2007)  Download
Water Level Impacts on Recreation Use 
Water Quality Problems  This survey addresses customer reaction to seasonal water quality variation as well as the affect of water quality on various recreational activities. (revised 2007)  Download
Water Quality Problems 
Watershed Questionnaire  Responds are asked to share their views on their most important watershed concerns, about indicators of watershed quality, about watershed organizational activities, and about direct effects of watershed conditions to their families.  Download
Watershed Questionnaire 





revised 21 Feb 2008