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DoDEA: Office of Compliance and Assistance
Compliance and Assistance
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External Audit
Office of Compliance
and Assistance
4040 N. Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22203-1635

Phone: 703-588-3244
Fax: 703-588-3705 / 3249

emailDoDEA Office of Compliance and Assistance

External Audit Management:

The Office of Compliance and Assistance serves as the liaison and coordinator of DoDEA's audit activities with the General Accounting Office (GAO), DoDIG, and other external audit-related groups.

The Office of Compliance and Assistance participates with DoDEA's managers in the development of responses to GAO and DoDIG audit recommendations; to ensure that responses and commitments conform to current DoDEA policies and positions.  The office tracks the status of all audit recommendations until they are concluded; prepares periodic status reports (sources of recommendations, number of recommendations made, number concluded, etc.); and analyzes the programs intended actions in relation to previously agreed-upon management commitments.

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