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- Park Rangers
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  Black Dot Image Civil Works Environment

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How to Participate
    Each area will have its own procedure for field participation. For Recreation, the procedures are in place with subject matter experts. At the bottom of each lead section, a content subject matter expert (SME) has been identified. If you are interested in assisting in that area contact the SME directly. If there is no SME, there is an opportunity. Contact the Recreation Technical Coordinator (Dr. Bonnie Bryson) for additional information.

    Currently Environmental Stewardship has identified program areas of interest. Angie L. Huebner has been identified as the Environmental Stewardship Technical Coordinator to develop a list of topic areas and SMEs interested in supporting this effort.

    Environmental Compliance contacts have provided a series of related links to assist in organizing materials. A procedure for identifying programs and subject matter experts is pending. We will keep you posted. Comments may be directed to Ed Currie.

    Comments and Content for the overall Gateway can be made to the Project Leader: Kathleen Perales

Privacy and Security Notice
Technical Problems
Updated: December 2006