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This page was last updated by the Content Provider on 20-Oct-2008
Please note:  Dioxin interim values have been updated to reflect correct recalculations.  Only Elliott Bay and Commencement Bay values were affected.  See Dioxin Interim Guidelines page.



Updated 10/20/08

Puget Sound Sediment Sampling

In August, the Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) agencies conducted a comprehensive sampling program to measure dioxin and PCB concentrations in surface sediments throughout Puget Sound, outside urban bays.  

This sampling was performed to provide input into deliberations by the DMMP Agencies regarding updated procedures for addressing dioxin contamination in dredged material.   The sampling will also support other objectives of the Puget Sound Partnership, and other cleanup and restoration programs managed by the individual DMMP Agencies.  Currently, there is very little sediment characterization data in Puget Sound that is not associated with cleanup sites.

The data was successfully gathered, and is coming back from the laboratory in September and October.  It will then go through a data validation and compilation process.  We anticipate that it will be posted on this website for public access in mid-November.

Development of Updated Procedures for Dioxin Suitability Determinations

As described during the 2007 public involvement process, because dioxins are ubiquitous in Puget Sound and have natural and industrial sources, the DMMP agencies are considering a variety of options for the updated dioxin evaluation framework.  Options that are currently being evaluated are briefly described here.

Following receipt of the Puget Sound data, the DMMP agencies will evaluate these various options based on these principles:

·         Ensure program is consistent with regulatory requirements

·         Protect the health of the Puget Sound ecosystem and support state goals for a healthier Sound

·         Support safe consumption of seafood

·         Facilitate implementation of in-water projects beneficial to the health of Puget Sound

·         Support a thriving regional economy by maintaining viability of the dredged material management program

·         Resolve State concerns re: long-term liability for material placed at the open-water disposal sites.

The schedule for the DMMP evaluation is depicted graphically here.

Public Information

As the process moves forward, we will continue to post updates on this website.  Please check for updated information from time to time.

We always welcome your comments and input, at: 


Updated September 2008

The Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) agencies conducted a comprehensive sampling program to measure dioxin and PCB concentrations in surface sediments throughout Puget Sound, outside urban bays.   The sampling was conducted in early August, 2008, aboard the EPA Ocean Survey Vessel BOLD. 

Thank you all for your comments on the Draft Work Plan!  Click on the title to view the following PDF documents:

This sampling is being performed to provide input into deliberations by the DMMP Agencies regarding updated procedures for addressing dioxin contamination in dredged material.  The objectives are described in the Work Plan.  The sampling will also support other objectives of the Puget Sound Partnership, and other cleanup and restoration programs managed by the individual DMMP Agencies.  Currently, there is very little sediment characterization data in Puget Sound that is not associated with cleanup sites.

Stay tuned for results and data, expected late in 2008.

Evaluating Dioxins in Dredged Material Proposed for Open_water Disposal

Public meetings have been held to discuss options and get public input regarding a framework for evaluating dioxins in dredged material proposed for open-water disposal. Focused technical workshops were also held to obtain more in-depth technical input on the issues that were raised in the public meetings and in responses to the questionnaire distributed in May 2007.

Thank you to those who have participated in the process by providing comments and responses. The input received at the meetings as well as input received via email have been summarized into a DMMP Dioxin Analysis of Stakeholder Input document. The document, including an Executive Summary and Appendices, can be viewed here

If you have questions about the project, you can contact:

·         Dave Fox, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:  (206) 764-6083,

·         Laura Inouye, Washington State Department of Ecology:  (360) 407-6165,

·         Erika Hoffman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:  (360) 753-9540,

·         Courtney Wasson, Washington State Department of Natural Resources:  360-902-1083,

For more background and information of the dioxin issue, go to the Dioxin Background page. 

Dioxin data from 2005 _ 2007 monitoring of DMMP disposal sites now available.

Data is in a Microsoft Access database.  Both sediment and tissue data are included. 

To download the file in .zip format (<1 mb) click HERE

To download the Microsoft Access file (~12 mb) click HERE