Technology Transfer Program
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Foreign Military Sales (FMS)—authorized by the Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2769. This authority may be used to provide defense design and construction services as well as defense articles and training. All work must be approved by HQUSACE. Work may not be initiated prior to receipt of funds sufficient to cover the cost of the estimate or at least an initial increment based upon an approved payment schedule that ensures funds are deposited prior to work being performed.

Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA)—Agreements Authorized by Section 607 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. This authority allows ERDC to provide technical or research services on a reimbursable basis to friendly countries, international organizations, the American Red Cross, and other voluntary nonprofit relief agencies registered and approved by the Agency for International Development (AID). Work may not be initiated prior to receipt of funds sufficient to cover the cost of the estimate or at least an initial increment based upon an approved payment schedule that ensures funds are deposited prior to work being performed.


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