Points of Contact
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The ERDC Office of Technology Transfer and Outreach can to assist you in identifying opportunities for joint research and technology commercialization. Feel free to contact any of the Technology Transfer Officers listed below for more information. The Technology Transfer Officers support individual ERDC laboratories and can assist you in making connections with the appropriate individuals throughout ERDC based on your areas of interest.

Jeffrey J. Walaszek, Team Leader
Location: ERDC Alexandria, VA
Topographic Engineering Center (TEC)
Phone: 703-428-6724
E-Mail: Jeffrey.J.Walaszek@usace.army.mil

Bea S. Shahin
Location: ERDC Champaign, IL
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
Environmental Laboratory (EL)
Phone: 217-373-7234
E-Mail: Bea.S.Shahin@usace.army.mil

Phillip Stewart
Location: ERDC Vicksburg, MS
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
Phone: 601-634-4113
E-Mail: Phillip.Stewart@usace.army.mil

Johnette Shockley
Location: ERDC Hanover, NH
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Phone: 402-554-4979
E-Mail: Johnette.C.Shockley@usace.army.mil


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