The Corps of Engineers Natural Resources Education Foundation (CNREF) is a non-profit advocacy organization, IRS designation 501(c)(3), dedicated to the stewardship of the environmental, cultural, educational, and outdoor recreational resources associated with the Natural Resources Management mission of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (The Corps)..

Our goals are:

  • to provide additional financial and volunteer support for projects which will enhance the Corps Natural Resources Management mission;
  • to assist local and regional Corps of Engineers advocacy groups in raising funds for enhancement projects which the CNREF Board finds in line with this Mission Statement.
  • to facilitate partnerships between the public and private sectors which strategically invest in public education and the conservation and sustainable use of natural and cultural resources managed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers;
  • to educate decision-makers and the public about the importance of the Corps stewardship mission in conserving natural and cultural resources and providing public recreation opportunities which contribute to the quality of American life.

Corps Natural Resources Program:
The Corps is responsible for the management and stewardship of over 11 million acres of land and water located in 43 states, including many significant environmental and cultural resource sites. The Corps is the largest Federal provider of outdoor recreation with over 370 million visitors in 2006. To view some of the recreation resources managed by the The Corps, Click Here.

Corps water resource project locations

While countless projects are approved, many go unfunded even though these environmental, recreation and cultural projects have considerable public support.

That is why the Foundation has entered into a cooperative relationship with the Corps: to bring potential partners together with the Corps to support approved but unfunded Natural Resources projects. The Foundation matches sponsors for these critical projects. And now, YOU can join the Foundation as we proudly partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in serving the Nation!

Successful outcomes from this Foundation will help sustain and enhance the lands and facilities of the Corps.