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Online Digest July/August 2008
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DVD on Family Violence

"Something My Father Would Do: Overcoming Legacies of Family Violence" is a 15-minute documentary of three men who grew up with abusive fathers and then struggled with their own choices about domestic and child abuse. The DVD was produced by the Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) and may serve as an educational tool for general audiences, child welfare groups, or men who batter. Questions that trained facilitators may want to use also are included. For more information, visit the FVPF website:

In addition, the FVPF offers a free manual, Fathering After Violence: Working With Abusive Fathers in Supervised Visitation that provides guidance to child welfare professionals supervising abusive fathers' visits at safe haven centers: (PDF - 890 KB)

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Vol. 9, No. 6
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CBX covers news, issues, and trends of interest to professionals and policymakers in the interrelated fields of child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
