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Online Digest July 2002
  • Training and Conferences

News From the Child Welfare Training Resources (CWTR) Online Network: Fatherhood Training Curriculum Designed to Improve Child Welfare Policy and Practice

The National Family Preservation Network (NFPN) has developed a first-of-its-kind Fatherhood Training Curriculum as a key element in supporting needed changes in State child welfare systems that have been primarily geared toward the mother and her children. Aimed at child welfare policy makers and practitioners, the curriculum is designed to provide agency staff with tools to engage and involve fathers in their children's lives.

The curriculum presents findings and recommendations stemming from NFPN's Fatherhood Initiative, which included site visits and focus groups funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to assess current child welfare practices geared toward fatherhood. The curriculum also offers a tool for assessing organizational "father-friendliness" and provides guidelines for establishing father-friendly policies and improving communication with fathers. Case examples illustrating principles of practice in working with fathers are included, as well as evaluation tools for practitioners and administrators.

Field testing will be used to refine the curriculum and an evaluation will be undertaken to measure the impact of the training curriculum on casework practice. The copyrighted curriculum is available for purchase from NFPN at a cost of $50. NFPN will provide training in the use of the curriculum for an additional fee on an "as available" basis.

For more information contact:

Priscilla Martens, Executive Director
National Family Preservation Network
3971 N. 1400 E.
Buhl, ID 83316
(888) 498-9047

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Vol. 3, No. 6
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CBX covers news, issues, and trends of interest to professionals and policymakers in the interrelated fields of child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
