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Online Digest February 2003
  • Training and Conferences


Upcoming national conferences on adoption and child welfare through May 2003 include:


  • Prevent Child Abuse America 2003 Leadership Conference "Prevention Leadership in Times of Change" (March 2 through 4, Jacksonville, FL; (Editor's note: this link is no longer available.)
  • Child Welfare League of America's National Conference "Children 2003: Imagine an America" (Child Welfare League of America; March 5 through 7, Washington, DC;
  • The American Public Human Services Association & National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators Spring Meeting (March 8 through 11, Washington, DC;
  • Children's Bureau's 14th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect "Gateways to Prevention" (Children's Bureau; March 31 through April 5, St. Louis, MO;


  • American Adoption Congress 25th Annual Conference (April 3 through 5, Atlanta, GA;
  • 6th National Child Welfare Data Conference (National Resource Center for Information Technology in Child Welfare; April 9 through 11, Arlington, VA;
  • National Indian Child Welfare Association 21st Annual Protecting Our Children Conference "Community Resolve to Reclaim Native Youth" (National Indian Child Welfare Association; April 13 through 16, Portland, OR; conferences/protecting/index.asp).
  • Catholic Human Services (formerly Catholic Charities) 9th National Conference on Open Adoption "Among Friends: The Open Adoption Community Reflects on a Generation of Practice and Experience" (April 24 through 26, Travers City, MI).


  • National Foster Parent Association 33rd Annual Education Conference "Invest in Children….Our Future" (May 12 through 17, Des Moines, IA; (Editor's note: this link is no longer available.)

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Vol. 4, No. 1
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CBX covers news, issues, and trends of interest to professionals and policymakers in the interrelated fields of child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
