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Online Digest October 2002
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Understanding and Preventing Violence in the Lives of Children and Youth

Violence in the lives of today's children and youth can take many different forms--from self-inflicted injuries to child abuse and witnessing violence at home or on television. As this is a prevalent issue in society, the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine devoted its August 2002 issue to the problems of violence in young lives.

The issue provides editorials, research articles, and a pediatric forum on various youth violence topics. Research includes articles such as:

  • Mothers' and health care providers' perspectives on screening for intimate partner violence in a pediatric emergency department.
  • Children who witness violence, and parent report of children's behavior.
  • Implementation of a program to teach pediatric residents and faculty about domestic violence.
  • A 12-year prospective study on the long-term effects of early child physical maltreatment on psychological, behavioral, and academic problems in adolescence.
  • Effect of abuse on health.
  • Caretaker-child concordance for child's exposure to violence in a preadolescent inner-city population.

The issue can be found at

Related Item

See the article in this issue of CBX, "Intimate Partner Violence Among Teen Mothers."

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Vol. 3, No. 8
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