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USMA > Classes > 2011

Class of 2011

Class Profile

Volume of Applicants
                                 Men   Women   Total
Applicant Files Started         8,658  2,180   10,838	
Nominated                       3,161    585    3,746		
Qualified (academically
& in physical aptitude)         1,734    305    2,039		
Admitted                        1,080    225    1,305
Rank in High School Class
First Fifth     72%
Second Fifth    20%
Third Fifth      7%
Fourth Fifth     1%
Bottom Fifth     0%
American College Testing (ACT) Assessment Program Scores*
Range    Eng    Math   Sci Reas   Read
31-36	 27%	 24%	  23%	   44%
26-30	 47%	 56%	  42%	   42%
21-25	 25%	 19%	  34%	   13%
16-20	  1%	  1%	   1%	    1%
11-15	  0%	  0%	   0%	    0%
Mean      28      28       27       30
College Board Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Scores*
Range       Verbal    Math
700-800	     19%       22%
600-699	     50%       54%
500-599      28%       23%
400-499	      3%        1%
300-399	      0%        0%
Mean         631       646
*Includes only scores used as a basis for admission.
Academic Honors
Class Valedictorians............................  80 
Class Salutatorians.............................  44 
National Merit Scholarship Recognition.......... 199 
National Honor Society.......................... 785
Boys/Girls State Delegate....................... 202    
Class President or Student Body President....... 244   
School Publication Staff
  School Paper Editor, Co-Editor of Staff....... 147   
  Yearbook Editor or Co-Editor.................. 111  
Debating........................................ 182   
Dramatics....................................... 150   
Scouting Participants........................... 530  
  Eagle Scout (men) or Gold Award (women)....... 194   
Varsity Athletics.............................. 1178
  Letter Winner................................ 1134 
  Team Captain.................................. 769

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Class of 2011
Class of 2011

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