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Notices of Funds Availability / Notices of Funding Opportunities


Youth-serving Organization Capacity Building

End Date: 7/29/2008
CFDA # 94.007

Contact: Special Initiatives Hotline

The Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) announces the availability of approximately $3,500,000 for the first year of a three-year grant award to national nonprofit organizations that support youth development through planning, collaboration, and alliance building for youth-serving organizations at the local and regional level, as well as direct programming to help children and youth succeed in school. Activities supported through this competition will advance the Corporation’s strategic goals around supporting youth from disadvantaged circumstances in achieving better outcomes.

The competition is open to national nonprofit organizations, defined by the Corporation for the purposes of this competition as nonprofit organizations that have on-going, demonstrable relationships with youth serving organizations or public school systems in at least two states in each of the five clusters of the country used by the Corporation to organize its field operations. The clusters are: 1) Pacific (AK, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY); 2) Atlantic (NJ, MD, DE, CT, DC, RI, MA, PA, PR/VI, NY, NH, VT, ME); 3) North Central (IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, NB, OH, SD, ND, WI); 4) Southern (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV); and, 5) Southwest (AZ, AR, CO, KS, LA, MO, NM, OK, TX).


Frequently Asked Questions:

Content Questions

  1. Are Sub-awards permitted? If so, how much detail do you want about Sub-awards including the application of match/cost sharing among sub-awardees? Do the sub-awardees need to be identified in advance?

Sub-granting is permissible. If you can pre-identify your sub-grants then do so in your application. Alternatively, you can propose a process for identifying your sub-grantees. The level of match required of subgrantees is determined by the applicant and should be discussed in the application and budget narrative.

  1. Is there a requirement for a timeline over the three years? What are we supposed to present in that regard?

We asked for a high-level three-year plan, which could include major milestones, dates and performance targets. The majority of the application narrative should focus on details of your proposed first year of operations.

  1. There are five areas of performance measures, we need to pick three. Will we be allowed to pick more than three and will e-Grants let us enter more than three?

eGrants is set-up to require three performance measures, but will accept more. The performance measure types in e-Grants are: Strengthening Communities, Participant Development, and Needs and Service Activities. Because these do not align directly with the types of measures specified in the Notice, you should select the measure type that best aligns with your project goals. Make sure your narrative application discusses your proposed performance measures as well.

  1. Are there parameters around the fiscal formula for evaluation?

No, there is not, we are looking for an evaluative strategy that meets the needs of the performance measures and aligns with the rest of your proposal.

  1. Where do the performance measures fall under the selection criteria, program design or organizational capacity?

Performance measures fall under Program Design.

  1. Are indirect costs rates set?

Indirect costs charges to the Corporation are capped at 5 percent. If your organization has an indirect cost rate negotiated with the federal government, the remainder of your rate can be used as match.

  1. Is there a limit to the amount that can be put in project personnel expenses?

There is no limit--you have to put a budget together that supports your model.

  1. Is the $1 million grant across 3 years, or $1 million per year renewable?

It is $1 million per year with year two and year three continuation awards available dependent upon availability of funds and substantive progress towards agreed upon performance measures.

  1. On page 4, you list five things under part 2 that you want for the model to accomplish. Do you want the model proposed to have ALL five items, or can we have a model that has 3-4 items addressed?

All five items are listed in order of importance to the Corporation; you do not have to address all five items.

  1. Related to the performance measures, in one case you want the performance measures identified for the first year, another case you want it identified for all three years. Which one are you looking for?

We are looking for a broad three-year proposal in your narrative, but a specific one-year plan in your performance measures. eGrants will allow you to submit performance measures for one year.

  1. The intent of the funding talks about two different focus areas: 1) Supporting students from falling behind and dropping out and 2) Positive youth development and galvanizing youth service organizations. Which of those is the primary focus of the NOFA?

Both are of primary focus. Applicants must choose to apply under either Part 1 or Part 2 of the NOFA, but not both.

  1. In reference to eligibility, what do you mean by youth-serving organizations across the country? I am with the headquarters of a national organization and we are looking to apply as a national organization that will work with our 169 councils across the country. Would we be required to work with other non-profits across the country outside of our councils?

If you are funded then you are funded for the proposal you put forth. If you are referencing Part 1 of the NOFA, then we are looking for a proposal larger than just the affiliates or councils of a single organization.

  1. Regarding data (proven results) for the different states, are you just looking for cumulative data or should we present supporting data for each state?

We are looking for cumulative data that demonstrates applicant success on a national scope.

  1. Do we have to outline the specific sites that we are going to work in or can we say this is a national model?

You do not necessarily have to list every site, but you would need to indicate a process for site selection if sites are not previously selected. You do not have to name all your local partners in the application, but we do need solid evidence that you will be able to meet the national scope eligibility criteria.

  1. In terms of the detail for the budget years 2 and 3, do you want us to detail for the first year and add in costs for years 2 and 3 or do you want a detailed budget for only the first year?

You only need to provide a detailed budget for the first year. You should assume level funding for the three years.

  1. If we receive another government grant that funds a piece of what our proposal includes, how would that work later on? Is there any flexibility in terms of working out how to use the funding in the event that we do receive the other grant after the fact?

Write can craft your proposal assuming that you do not have the other grant in hand. If you are awarded the other grant and you are a selectee for this competition, you will be allowed to modify your budget during the negotiation phase of the competition.

  1. Can you upload documents on eGrants? Would that be a suitable place for additional documents?

We are not accepting any additional information, so no attachments or appendences are permitted.

  1. On page 3 it states, “In reviewing applications for these awards, the Corporation will give priority consideration to applicants that demonstrate they can build up on or leverage the efforts or accomplishments that previously were carried out by Corporation support”. Are those efforts related to the special initiatives that are on your website or something different?

It certainly can be related to the initiatives, but in general, the Corporation wants to build off the good work done by our grantees either by funding a current/previous grantee or an organization that is proposing to work with current or previous grantees.

  1. Is a collaboration acceptable or do you need to apply as an individual organization?

You can apply as collaboration or consortia; however, you will need to come in under one legal applicant.

  1. On page 2 of the NOFA it talks about a special focus on the needs of children and youth in neighborhoods of high poverty, is this supposed to be “single parent” and not “single family” homes?

The Notice should have read single-parent homes.

Logistical Questions

  1. At the end of the performance measures it notes the website, is there a specific tool that would be more helpful than looking through all of the possibilities?

The above URL is no longer valid. Please go to for helpful hints on building quality performance measures.

  1. Do you know the date when you expect the award notification to be given?

No later than September 30, 2008.

  1. When would you want the three-year plan to be implemented?

It will be flexible, ideally the grant will begin on October 1, 2008, but the start date is flexible.

  1. What is the proposal page limit?

There is a character limit in the online database, eGrants. We restrict the proposal to 32,000 characters, approximately 8-10 pages.

  1. If we do sub-grants, what category of the budget do we put them under?

In the “other” category labeled as sub-grants.

  1. Is the 30% match going to remain the same for the three years?

Yes. The match is 30 percent of the entire grant amount—federal and non-federal for each year of the three-year grant.

  1. How likely is it that you will make more than one award in each category?

Our intention is to make one award in each category. However, we may fund more than one in each category depending upon the quality of applications and amount of resources available.

  1. When are the applications due?

July 29, 2008 at 5:00 pm ET.



Technical Assistance Information:

Two technical assistance calls have been scheduled to answer applicant questions about this competition as follows:

July 1 Call

CALL DATE: JUL-01-2008 (Tuesday)
DIAL-IN NUMBERS: 800-857-3059

July 10 Call

CALL DATE: JUL-10-2008 (Thursday)
DIAL-IN NUMBERS: 800-857-3059



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