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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Thursday, November 13, 2003

CONTACT: Kathleen Mynster
The White House -  USA Freedom Corps
Phone: 202-456-7381


President Bush to Recognize Florida Woman for Dedication to Volunteer Service


President George W. Bush will meet Matilda Walther upon arrival in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday, November 13, 2003. Since 1995, Walther has been an active volunteer with the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).

Earlier this year, President Bush celebrated the first anniversary of the USA Freedom Corps - his initiative to engage all Americans in service to their neighbors and their nation. President Bush is recognizing individuals around the country, like Walther, who are answering the call to volunteer service.

Walther, age 84, has been an active volunteer with the RSVP program for the past eight years, working with different organizations each month in order to help meet community needs. Through the RSVP program, Walther participated in a 20-hour Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training session sponsored by the Orlando Fire Department. CERT, a component of Citizen Corps, provides training in emergency preparedness and basic response techniques enabling individuals to take a more active role in personal and public safety. Since graduating from this program in May, Walther has worked closely with the Orlando Fire Department to encourage more older Americans to participate in CERT training sessions. Walther also volunteers with the American Heart Association, where she assists with special projects and events including the recent "American Heart Walk."

President Bush created the USA Freedom Corps office at the White House to foster a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility. Through the USA Freedom Corps, President Bush wants to help every American answer the call to volunteer service by strengthening and expanding service opportunities to protect our homeland, support our communities and extend American compassion around the world. Interested volunteers can find opportunities in their own neighborhoods through the USA Freedom Corps web site at or by calling 1-877-USA-CORPS.

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