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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Thursday, August 30, 2007

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


CNN's Anderson Cooper Interviews AmeriCorps NCCC Member Jared Kahan From Camp Hope, St. Bernard Parish, LA


CNN's Anderson Cooper special on the Katrina two year anniversary shined the spotlight on the extraordinary contributions made by volunteers and AmeriCorps and the ongoing need for more volunteers in the long-term recovery and rebuilding effort in the Gulf Coast. Here is an interview with AmeriCorps NCCC member Jared Kahan from the live broadcast from Camp Hope, a Habitat for Humanity volunteer base camp that has housed tens of thousands of volunteers who have gutted, restored, and built thousands of homes in St. Bernard Parish and New Orleans.

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- Transcript -

Anderson Cooper: While the Federal Government has been slow to deliver the money, the state and local governments in Louisiana have been slow to deliver a plan for rebuilding and it bears repeating what's been accomplished here - the homes that have been rebuilt, and there have been many of them - it's because of people like these young members of AmeriCorps with me tonight. (To crowd) Do you guys feel like you're making a difference here? (Cheering) It's remarkable the work that many of them are doing here. Joining me now is Jared Kahan, he's from Silver Spring, MD, he's now working in St. Bernard Parish... you've worked also in Waveland, MS... you're with AmeriCorps but you're been assigned to Habitat for Humanity.

Jared Kahan: Absolutely. I'm with Habitat for Humanity - St. Bernard. We're obviously helping in the recovery efforts, rebuilding houses...

Cooper: Did it surprise you when you first got here, you've seen pictures obviously, but is it different actually being here?

Kahan: Oh, absolutely. You can't imagine the destruction that happened... and then meeting people... you never know how inspirational they're going to be.

Cooper: You know, I've had people who haven't been here say, you know what, I'm tired of hearing about this, I'm tired of hearing people in New Orleans looking for a hand-out... the people you meet, are they looking for a hand-out?

Kahan: Absolutely not. They are looking for someone just to care about them, and they want to get back to where they were before, and better, and we want to help them... they just need help.

Cooper: And do you feel that the people here feel forgotten? Do you think they have been forgotten?

Kahan: I think generally yes, but then they look around at the volunteers and they think that there is hope, and we give them hope, and we are here for them... more people are coming, but we still need more help.

Cooper: Do you worry that the number of volunteers, as time passes, that it's going to drop down?

Kahan: I think that outlets like yourself, media outlets, will help that. I think volunteer housing will improve. There has been an unbelievable amount of help down here, but we still do need more. I think...

Cooper: To someone who may be considering coming down here, what's the reward? What's it like?

Kahan: To be inspired. To be motivated. To do good work. To be selfless. Just to meet a group of people and help them and do everything that you can.

Cooper: Do you think New Orleans can come back?

Kahan: Absolutely.

Cooper: Do you think it is back, in many ways?

Kahan: In some ways. I think there's a lot of work to be done - I think in the areas surrounding it there's a lot of work to be done as well, but, it's on the right path.

Cooper: Alright. Well, thanks for all you're doing Jared. Appreciate it.

Kahan: Thank you.

Cooper: Alright. Jared Kahan.


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