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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

CONTACT: Shannon Maynard
Phone: 202-606-6713


Corporation for National and Community Service Marks “10 Years Serving America”


WASHINGTON, DC – The Corporation for National and Community Service, which administers the Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs, kicked off a yearlong effort to commemorate its 10th anniversary by releasing an online toolkit designed to help the national and community service network leverage the milestone toward meeting their program’s goals.

“Our 10th anniversary is an opportune time to reinforce the purpose and potential of all national and community service programs,” said David Eisner, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation. “This year, we honor the millions of people who have served their communities, and we rededicate ourselves to our vital mission of service to America.”

The toolkit, 10 Years Serving America, was designed to provide local Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs with simple ways to commemorate the anniversary and leverage it to improve their existing service efforts.

Contents include a historical timeline and program accomplishments, ideas for service events and related activities, tips on fundraising and partnerships, advice on working with the media, a gallery of national service photos for local programs’ use, and a variety of customizable materials such as T-shirt designs and public service announcements.

The legislation that created the Corporation was authorized in 1993. In September 1994, the Corporation began operating and brought together Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. Since then:

  • Senior Corps programs have provided more than $1.6 billion in funding to support national and community service programs. More than 1.25 million Senior Corps volunteers have contributed more than 1.1 billion hours in volunteer service to communities nationwide;

  • More than 330,000 AmeriCorps members have contributed more than 360 million hours of service to communities nationwide. More than $948 million in education awards have been earned by individuals through AmeriCorps; and

  • Learn and Serve America has contributed more than $429 million to the service-learning efforts of schools, colleges, and universities nationwide. Today, an estimated 1.8 million students participate in projects supported by Learn and Serve America.

The Corporation for National and Community Service provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through three programs: Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit

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