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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Monday, November 29, 2004

CONTACT: Siobhan Dugan
Phone: 202-606-5000 x151


National Service Agency Announces Grants Designed to Spur Volunteer Service on King Holiday


(Washington D.C.) —Efforts to mobilize volunteers nationally on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will be aided by grants to four organizations by the Corporation for National and Community Service. The organizations will receive a total of $500,000, the Corporation announced today.

“We’re delighted to support these organizations that are helping to transform the King Holiday into a day on, not a day off,” said David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. “There is no better way to honor Martin Luther King Jr. and remember his legacy than through service.”

Service was at the heart of Dr. King's philosophy. "Everybody can be great because everybody can serve," he once said, and he urged Americans to take action to improve the lives of others. In recognition of that spirit, Congress in 1994 passed the King Holiday and Service Act, which directed the Corporation to support local efforts to make the King Holiday a day of service. Since then, millions of Americans have paid homage to Dr. King by serving in projects ranging from stocking food pantries to planting community gardens to training tutors for inner-city schools.

In the past, the Corporation has made grants directly to dozens of local organizations to support King Day service projects. This year the Corporation is making a smaller number of large grants to intermediary organizations which will in turn be subgranted to other organizations to conduct volunteer projects across a state or throughout a multi-state area.

The four organizations are:

California State University, Fullerton Foundation will receive $125,000 to fund projects in Northern and Southern California. The foundation is developing a curriculum on Martin Luther King, including a service-learning curriculum, to be used at all the sites to ensure that participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the connection between their service and King’s teachings. Partners in the project include the California Service Corps and the California State Commission.

Hands on Network/City Cares of America will use its $128,000 to build on the large event that it hosted last year with the King Center in Atlanta. By working with its affiliates and other agencies, the Hands on Network will connect local nonprofit and public agencies with volunteers across the country to serve on the holiday.

National Religious Affairs Association of National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice will receive $122,000 to fund subgrants including its large network of faith based organizations. The organization plans to rally volunteers to service on Justice Sunday, the day before the official holiday. The organization plans to focus on establishing and reinvigorating mentoring programs for children of incarcerated parents. They have identified 12 locales in which to target their efforts around the country.

Points of Light Foundation will receive $125,000 to engage thousands of volunteers with dozens of subgrant projects. The applicant’s networks include a cross-section of agencies that focus on volunteers, which are likely to attract partnerships resulting in high quality service activities. This will also allow them to develop a diverse pool of volunteer opportunities over a broad geographic area.

The Corporation encourages other organizations that are conducting King Day of Service projects to e-mail the project name, description, location and scope along with contact information at

The Corporation for National and Community Service provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through three programs: Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit

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