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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Monday, March 14, 2005

CONTACT: Dina Paxenos 
Phone: 866-291-7700 x324
Local: 202-742-5324


Presidential Freedom Scholarships Available to Honor High School Students for Outstanding Service


(Washington D.C.) — Two students from every high school in the country are eligible to receive $1,000 Presidential Freedom Scholarships in recognition of their outstanding service to the community, the Corporation for National and Community Service announced today.

The annual college scholarship program, which will award up to 7,800 scholarships, is administered by the Corporation’s Learn and Serve America program. Since 1997, over 37,000 students from every state in the nation, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and Department of Defense overseas schools have been recognized. In addition to the scholarship, students receive a letter of recognition from President Bush, and a President's Volunteer Service Award silver pin.

“In high schools across the country young leaders make their communities stronger and tackle serious challenges. Their principals and teachers know who they are. The Presidential Freedom Scholarships give every high school in America the chance to recognize these students for their outstanding service," said David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service."

Nominations are open to high school juniors or seniors during the 2004-2005 academic year. The scholarship program provides $500 of the award, which must be matched with at least $500 from a community organization, civic group, or business. Students who complete at least 100 hours of community service, either through a school-based service-learning program or independently through service at a nonprofit or faith-based organization, are eligible to receive the scholarship. The early notification deadline for certifications April 1, 2005, which will enable schools to recognize their scholarship recipients at their high school awards ceremony, if applicable. The final postmark deadline is July 1, 2005.

Learn and Serve America provides an “on-ramp” to a lifetime of civic engagement for more than 1 million students each year. The program provides grants to schools, colleges, and nonprofit groups to support projects that engage students in community service activities linked to academic achievement. This type of learning, called service-learning, improves communities while improving learning. In addition to providing grants and administering the Presidential Freedom Scholarships, Learn and Serve America also serves as a national resource on service-learning to nonprofit groups, educational institutions, teachers, faculty members, schools, and community groups.

Learn and Serve America is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also oversees Senior Corps and AmeriCorps. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility. For further information, visit


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