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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


AmeriCorps Announces $14 Million in Grants To Support 9,500 Members at 43 Community Organizations


(Washington D.C.) — The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced nearly $14 million in new grants to 43 organizations across the country. The grants will support a total of 9,552 AmeriCorps members for the 2005-2006 program year. In addition, if all members complete their terms of service, they collectively will be eligible to receive $19.4 million in AmeriCorps Education Awards to pay for college or to pay back student loans.

New AmeriCorps grants typically are awarded for a period of three years, renewable annually contingent on grantee performance, compliance, and availability of funds. Over the full term of the grants, approximately $42 million is expected to be awarded to programs that meet their requirements. What’s more, the nearly 30,000 members expected to be supported during that time will be eligible to receive nearly $60 million in AmeriCorps Education Awards.

Today’s grant announcements represent the cumulative results of six separate competitions. All of the groups announced today are beginning a new three-year grant cycle with AmeriCorps. The 43 organizations were selected from more than 150 applicants in a highly competitive process.

"In communities across the country, our dedicated AmeriCorps members will be serving with some of the strongest groups in the nonprofit world,” said David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation, which administers AmeriCorps. “We know that the organizations receiving this seal of approval today can be counted on to meet local needs and inspire our members to continue to serve their communities for many years to come."

Among many other activities, AmeriCorps members teach disadvantaged students, build homes, assist people with disabilities, help communities respond to disasters, restore parks and trails, and mobilize volunteers to meet vital community needs.

AmeriCorps grants are made in two general categories: “state grants” made either to Governor-appointed state service commissions or to organizations nominated by those commissions; and “direct grants” made directly by the Corporation to organizations operating in multiple states, institutions of higher education, and American Indian tribes. Today’s grant announcements fall under the following categories:

AmeriCorps State Grants

  • AmeriCorps State Competitive: These grants are awarded to organizations nominated to participate in a nationwide competition by Governor-appointed state service commissions. The 19 organizations selected in this category will receive grants totaling $6.28 million to support 1,136 AmeriCorps positions.
  • AmeriCorps State Education Award Program: Under this program, organizations operating in a single state receive only a small administrative grant – approximately $400 for each full-time member – and most use their own or other resources to cover AmeriCorps members’ living allowance and other program costs. The five grantees in this category will receive $71,800 to support 562 members.

AmeriCorps Direct Grants

  • AmeriCorps National: These grants are awarded to organizations that operate in more than one state. The nine grantees in this category will receive a total of $6.06 million to support 1,281 AmeriCorps members.

  • AmeriCorps National Education Award Program: Under this program, organizations operating in more than one state, or institutions of higher education, receive only a small administrative grant – approximately $400 for each full-time member – and most use their own or other resources to cover AmeriCorps members’ living allowance and other program costs. The five grantees in this category will receive $1.14 million to support 6,549 members.

  • AmeriCorps Planning Grants: Grants are awarded to organizations to assist with their setting up of an AmeriCorps project. This is a one-year grant, and no members will be supported with this grant. The four grantees in this category will receive a total of $177,270.

  • AmeriCorps Indian Tribes: The sole grantee in this category will receive $235,600 to support 24 AmeriCorps members.

A complete list of organizations in the above categories, the amount they will receive, and the number of AmeriCorps members to be supported can be found here.

The grants announced today represent only part of the grants to be made this year by AmeriCorps. Previously, the Corporation announced $155 million in second- and third- year grants to 266 organizations to support 27,591 AmeriCorps members for the 2005-2006 program year. (Click here for detailed information on those grants.) In total, the fiscal year 2005 budget for AmeriCorps will support a total of approximately 70,000 positions. Most of the positions will be available starting in the fall. Interested individuals can learn about available opportunities and submit an online application by visiting

At the end of a successful full-time term of service, AmeriCorps members earn an AmeriCorps Education Award of $4,725 that they can use to pay for college or to pay back qualified student loans. Part-time members earn awards in "pro-rated" amounts. Most AmeriCorps members also receive health benefits, student loan deferment, and a living allowance to offset food and housing costs during their term of service.

"Joining AmeriCorps is an excellent way for people of all ages to fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship,” said Rosie Mauk, Director of AmeriCorps. “I’m continually impressed by our AmeriCorps members’ drive, commitment, and recognition of the privileges that they have received. The opportunities supported by these grants are a great option for Americans looking to make a difference in their communities."

In addition to the AmeriCorps*State and National grant programs, of which these competitions are a part, AmeriCorps also includes: AmeriCorps*NCCC, a 10-month, full-time residential program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 24 who carry out projects in public safety, public health, and disaster relief; and AmeriCorps*VISTA, whose members help bring individuals and communities out of poverty by serving full-time to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, increase housing opportunities, or bridge the digital divide.

AmeriCorps is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also oversees Senior Corps and Learn and Serve America. The programs of the Corporation engage 1.6 million Americans each year in meeting critical needs in education, the environment, public safety, homeland security, and other areas. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit

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