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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


AmeriCorps Announces $3.1 Million in Grants to Expand Hurricane Relief Efforts in Gulf Coast


(WASHINGTON D.C.) – The Corporation for National and Community Service will award more than $3.1 million in supplemental grants to allow the AmeriCorps programs YouthBuild and Public Allies to provide additional opportunities for youth to help Gulf Coast families and communities recover from last fall’s Gulf Coast hurricanes.

The announcement was made by the Corporation’s CEO, David Eisner, at a YouthBuild awards event in Washington last night.

“Young people have a tremendous amount to give to this effort, and their idealism and energy is needed in the Gulf,” said Eisner, whose agency oversees the AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve America. “These grants will enable more young to live out their idealism and help our nation recover from one of the most devastating disasters in our history.”

YouthBuild, a nonprofit group based in Somerville, Mass., trains thousands of low-income young adults each year in construction skills as they produce affordable housing for homeless and low-income people. Eisner announced that the grant to the group, for $2,907,820, will enable 385 AmeriCorps members from around the country – including 35 new members – to build 150-300 units of housing in the Gulfport, Miss., area. Corps members will rotate in and out of Gulfport for service projects of up to four weeks. All told, 50 different YouthBuild teams are expected to assist with this project.

The grant to Public Allies, for $263,634, will enable that group to partner with the Louisiana Delta Service Corps to place 15 new AmeriCorps members with non-profit groups in several communities to increase their capacity to serve people displaced by hurricane Katrina. Public Allies identifies talented young adults from diverse backgrounds and advances their leadership skills through full-time, paid apprenticeships in nonprofit organizations.

In return for their service, each AmeriCorps member earns an Education Award that can be used to pay for college or to pay off college loans. If all the new members supported by the grants announced today complete their terms of service, they can collectively earn than $236,000 in AmeriCorps Education Awards.

"AmeriCorps is playing a critical role in helping people put their lives back together after this terrible tragedy, and these grants will significantly expand those efforts" said Eisner, whose agency oversees AmeriCorps. "We think it is essential to offer all the support we can to our partners, who are working so hard to help the people of this region.”

The grants are part of a total of nearly $14 million in AmeriCorps funds that the Corporation has set aside specifically to support AmeriCorps hurricane recovery efforts. Of that amount, more than $12.7 million has been announced thus far. If the 775 AmeriCorps members to be supported by these special hurricane recovery grants complete their terms of service, they will collectively earn more than $2.9 million in AmeriCorps Education Awards.

Currently, several hundred national service opportunities are available for people who want to make an intensive commitment to helping the coast recover. Individuals interested in serving in AmeriCorps can learn more about the program and apply online at More information is also available by calling 1-800-942-2677.

The Corporation for National and Community Service provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through three programs: AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve America. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit


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