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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Friday, January 13, 2006

CONTACT: Siobhan Dugan
Phone: 202-606-6707


Grantees Use Best Buy Funds to Support Service-Learning Projects on King Day


(Washington D.C.) -- Best Buy, Co., Inc., has awarded five grants to service-learning programs that will conduct activities in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. Hundreds of students, from the kindergarten through college levels, and community volunteers will participate in activities funded by these grants. The projects will all be launched on the King Day of Service; many will continue through May.

“Best Buy’s generous grant will mean enhanced service-learning experiences for children who participate in Martin Luther King Day activities, and throughout the remainder of the school year,” said Amy Cohen, director of Learn and Serve America, which worked with the company on administering the grant. “Keeping Dr. King’s vision alive is crucial to creating a culture of service.”

The grantees and their projects are:

  • Minnesota Campus Compact will make subgrants to five colleges within the state to improve access to and success in college for disadvantaged students.
  • California Campus Compact will fund four institutions that will engage higher education students in service-learning activities with elementary and secondary students.
  • California State University Chancellor’s Office will provide subgrants to three state university campuses that will undertake projects focusing on nonviolence, HIV/AIDS, and reducing graffiti.
  • Florida Campus Compact will make subgrants to five higher education institutions that will focus on youth leadership, expanding educational opportunities, and diversity.
  • PennSERVE, the Governor’s Office of Citizen Service, will expand the King Day of Service activities to six areas in the state, focusing on the theme, “A Place to Call Home.”

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the national holiday in Dr. King’s honor, and the 11th year that it has been observed as a day of community service. Participation in the day of service has grown steadily since 1994 when Congress passed legislation encouraging Americans to celebrate the King Holiday as a day of service reflecting Dr. King’s life and teachings.

Learn and Serve America is one of three programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service that provide opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country. The others are Senior Corps and AmeriCorps. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit


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