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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Thursday, May 10, 2001

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


Senate Confirms Stephen Goldsmith to National Service Board


(WASHINGTON D.C.) -- Stephen Goldsmith, former Mayor of Indianapolis and a top campaign advisor to President Bush, was confirmed by the Senate yesterday for a four-year term on the board of directors of the Corporation for National Service.

The non-partisan board sets policies and approves funding for national service programs engaging more than 1.5 million Americans in service to meet community needs through AmeriCorps, the National Senior Service Corps, and Learn and Serve America.

"I am eager to work with the Corporation and the national service field to fulfill President Bush's vision of responsible citizens, communities of service and a nation of character," said Goldsmith. "One of the President's great goals is to invigorate the spirit of service and citizenship in America, and national service has a vital role to play in this effort."

In addition to serving on the Corporation's board, Goldsmith is an advisor to the President on his faith-based and community initiative. Announcing Goldsmith's nomination, President Bush said that Goldsmith is "known as one of the most innovative mayors in America, who pioneered ways to promote community efforts. He will continue to advise me on these issues. And I have asked Steve to serve on the board of the Corporation for National Service. This organization has done some good work in mobilizing volunteers of all ages."

Goldsmith served two terms as Mayor of Indianapolis, where he earned a national reputation for innovations in government. He reduced spending and identified savings that he invested in expanding police patrols and improving infrastructure. In 1997 he formed the Front Porch Alliance to match religious and neighborhood groups with city resources to meet local needs. Prior to serving as Mayor, Goldsmith was Marion County District Attorney for 13 years.

"I was happy to expedite Stephen Goldsmith's confirmation for this key position," said Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Ranking Member of the Senate HELP Committee. Goldsmith's nomination was sent to the Senate on April 3, and he was confirmed just 36 days later. "National service is a valuable investment in our children, our communities, and our future. I look forward to working with Steve to continue and expand the successful programs of the Corporation for National Service," Kennedy said.

"We are delighted to have an innovative leader with such close ties to the President on our board," said Dorothy Johnson, a Kellogg Foundation trustee and the current board chair. "National service is at the vital center of a growing consensus of how our country should meet it challenges. We welcome Steve's ideas and energy in helping us make service the common expectation and experience of every American," Johnson said.

Created in 1993, the Corporation engages more than 50,000 AmeriCorps members, 500,000 older Americans and one million students in results-driven service to meet community needs. President Bush requested $733 million for the Corporation in fiscal 2002 to increase volunteering, expand opportunities for senior service, and support 50,000 AmeriCorps members next year.

For more information on the Corporation for National Service and its programs, visit National Service.

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