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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Monday, December 17, 2001

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


New Congressional Affairs Team Joins Corporation for National and Community Service


Capitol Hill Veteran and Former Cheney Aide to Focus on Reauthorizing Agency's Programs

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The Corporation for National and Community Service, an independent federal agency, has turned to an 18-year veteran of Capitol Hill and OMB and a former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney to handle its affairs with Congress and the nation's governors and mayors.

The appointments of Chuck Konigsberg and Katherine Hoehn come at a time of intense interest in national service following the September 11th attacks. The White House has called for national service volunteers to play a role in homeland security and in strengthening faith and community groups that meet social needs. Early next year, Congress will take up proposals to reauthorize the Corporation and its three main programs: AmeriCorps, National Senior Service Corps, and Learn and Serve America.

Konigsberg brings strong legislative and executive branch experience to his new position as Director of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. He served for three years as Staff Attorney for the Senate Budget Committee under its former chairman, Senator Pete V. Domenici (R-NM), and then for six years as staff of the Senate Rules Committee, rising to the position of Minority Chief Counsel under Ranking Republican Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska. Following those appointments, he served for four years as General Counsel, and for two years as Chief Health Counsel, on the Democratic staff of the Senate Finance Committee under Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York. From 1995-1999, he served as Assistant Director for Legislative Affairs at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

"I look forward to using my experience in Congress and the Executive Branch to develop broad support for reauthorization of the Corporation in order to harness the growing commitment to service and volunteerism in the nation," Konigsberg said.

Hoehn will serve as Deputy Director of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, focusing on outreach to state and local officials. She served as Director of Government Affairs at the Halliburton Company and was Executive Assistant to its then-chairman, Dick Cheney. Before joining Halliburton, she was the Executive Assistant to Cheney at the American Enterprise Institute. She has also served as Director of Development for the American Heart Association, the Treatment and Learning Centers, and the National Kidney Foundation. Most recently she served at the law firm Williams & Jensen.

"As Congress turns to reauthorization, I want to be sure that our local and state elected officials are well informed and included in every step of the process," Hoehn said. "I'm a firm believer in the power of volunteers, and I can't think of a better place to be."

Corporation CEO Leslie Lenkowsky said he was delighted that Konigsberg and Hoehn accepted his offer to join the agency. "The Bush Administration looks forward to working with Congress to take national service to even greater levels of accomplishment," said Lenkowsky. "Chuck and Katherine are extremely talented and they know how to work with both sides of the aisle to get results. Next year will be a critical year for us, and I'm thrilled they're on our team."

Established in 1993, the Corporation for National and Community Service engages 1.5 million Americans in service each year through AmeriCorps, the National Senior Service Corps, and Learn and Serve America. For more information, visit National and Community Service.

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