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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Monday, September 15, 2003

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


National Service Agency Undertakes Comprehensive Effort To Strengthen Management


Washington D.C. — Speaking to an "all-hands" meeting of agency staff, Corporation for National and Community Service Acting CEO James F. Manning and Chief Financial Officer Michelle Guillermin today urged all employees to share their ideas with the cross-agency "Management Improvement Team" (MIT) that is working to achieve greater accountability and efficiency in the agency and its programs.

The team, has a three-fold mission: 1) to examine Corporation operations and management with the aim of improving accountability and increasing cost-effectiveness and efficiency; 2) to produce an action agenda that will establish a lasting culture of open communications and management excellence; and 3) to monitor progress and ensure full implementation of the action plan. The desired outcome is an organization whose financial management, information management, and human capital management practices are recognized as models for other agencies.

"The Corporation is committed to achieving the highest levels of accountability and effectiveness. We have already made significant progress, but we have more work to do," said Manning, who also serves as Chief Operating Officer. "Congress has expressed concerns about the Corporation's management, and we take those concerns very seriously. The Management Improvement Team is an important step in fully and promptly addressing those concerns and strengthening national service to achieve the growth that the President believes is essential to engage more Americans in serving their neighbors and nation."

The MIT is composed of a dozen senior Corporation staff and officials, and is chaired by Michael Berning, Chief of Field Operations, and co-chaired by Andrew Kleine, Deputy Chief Financial Officer. The MIT reports regularly to the Corporation's Executive Management Team, which is co-chaired by Manning and Guillermin. The leadership of the MIT will immediately begin conversations with OMB, Congress, and other stakeholders concerning the management improvement needs of the Corporation. Also, in order to help guide the work of the MIT, the Corporation is consulting with the Council for Excellence in Government and the National Academy of Public Administration.

Manning and Guillermin encouraged employees at headquarters and in the field to share their recommendations for improvements. "We're asking you for your ideas. You know what needs to be done. We want you to be authors of the reform, not just participants in the results," said Guillermin. Employees will be able to share ideas through a variety of methods including email, a secure drop-box, focus groups, and meetings with MIT staff. "The resources needed to strengthen this organization reside right here in the form of our dedicated employees," said Manning. "Every one of you is a 'virtual' member of the MIT, and I'm asking for your help in identifying and implementing needed actions."

Over the next three months, the team will assess management improvement actions already taken at the Corporation, and will ensure the prompt completion of several critical near-term actions, such as ensuring adequate financial and data reporting procedures, and clarifying job responsibilities and reporting relationships. In addition, during this first phase of the project, the MIT will take several key steps in building the foundation for longer-term management improvements, including launching a comprehensive "program management review" of all Corporation components and processes and conducting research on "best practices" of other agencies with similar missions and challenges.

Based on their analyses, the MIT will make recommendations, which may include changes in organizational structure, statutes, policies, regulations, systems, or business procedures at the Corporation. The result will be a detailed, long-term action plan -- a "Blueprint for Management Excellence" that will help guide Corporation activities into the future.

The Corporation for National and Community Service provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through three programs: Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. Working with national and community nonprofits, faith-based groups, schools, and local agencies, the Corporation engages Americans in meeting critical needs in education, the environment, public safety, homeland security, and other areas. The Corporation and its programs are part of USA Freedom Corps, a White House initiative to foster a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility, and to help all Americans answer the President's Call to Service. For more information, visit

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