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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

CONTACT: Siobhan Dugan
Phone: 202-606-6707


Tavis Smiley Foundation Honors AmeriCorps*NCCC With 'Partner in Action' Award


Los Angeles, C.A. — The Tavis Smiley Foundation recently honored AmeriCorps*NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) with its Partner in Action Award during the foundation's 2003 Salute to Youth Leadership dinner and gala in Bel Air, Calif.

Founded in 1999 by radio personality Tavis Smiley, the mission of the Tavis Smiley Foundation is to "enlighten, encourage, and empower youth by providing leadership skills that will promote and enhance the quality of life for them, their communities, and our world." The Foundation hosts a series of "Youth to Leaders" summits throughout the country. The events are open to African American youth ages 13 to 18, both male and female, who have been nominated by an adult or organization.

"We're proud of our relationship with the Tavis Smiley Foundation," said Wendy Zenker, director of AmeriCorps*NCCC, a branch of the national service program AmeriCorps. "AmeriCorps*NCCC itself has a strong focus on team building and developing leadership skills. By serving with projects sponsored by the Tavis Smiley Foundation, our members get to pass on what they've learned to other youth."

For the past two years, AmeriCorps*NCCC-a team—based national service program for young adults ages 18 to 24—has supported the Tavis Smiley Foundation's conferences and the national summit. Teams of AmeriCorps*NCCC members attended each of the one-day conferences in 2002, helping with logistics and building increased awareness about AmeriCorps*NCCC opportunities. At the Foundation's first national summit, AmeriCorps*NCCC members coordinated a literacy service project that used Youth to Leaders participants as mentors to local youth, and also served as team leaders for conference participants.

AmeriCorps*NCCC members are based at five regional campuses across the country, where, in teams of 10 to 12 members, they address community needs in education, the environment, public safety, and other areas. In exchange for a year of service, AmeriCorps members earn an education award that can be used to pay for college or to pay back qualified student loans. AmeriCorps is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also oversees Senior Corps and Learn and Serve America. It is part of USA Freedom Corps, a White House initiative to foster a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility, and to help all Americans answer the President's Call to Service. For more information, visit

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