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Great Lakes Navigation

Short Cuts  
This map displays all the active confined disposal facilities on the Great Lakes and indicates the approximate remaining capacity (in years) of each facility.
This webpage contains basic information on the process of dredging, the role of the Army Corps of Engineers in federal dredging projects, and an explination of dredged material disposal methods.
This map displays the various methods of dredged material placement employed by harbors on the Great Lakes.
This paper provides an overview of the vital role that coastal infrastructure plays in protecting urban waterfronts from storm surges, waves, and ice.
Topics covered include Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway, Corps' navigation mission, water levels, and funding.
Presentation covers Soo Locks winter work, Soo Memorandum of Agreement, maintenance dredging, and Soo replacement lock.
Slide show includes a recap of the 2008 dredging program and priorities for the 2009 program.
Presentation covers background and current conditions of the GLNS, its value to the national economy, the GLNS team, and GLNS investments.
Presentation includes information on the impact of water levels on navigation, a recap of the 2007 navigation season, navigation system funding & trends, and a FY08 maintenance dredging overview.
Briefing given to the Great Lakes Task Force (US Senate) covering Great Lakes maintenance and backlog dredging, confined disposal facilities and breakwaters.
This website contaings presentations from previous Stakeholder Meetings and information on future Stakeholder Meetings.
Maps contain the authorized, recommended and maintained depths and widths of active federal channels on the Great Lakes
Includes a brief summary of the comments gathered from stakeholder surveys completed in April of 2007.
Spreadsheet includes commercial and recreational budget needs for FY09-FY13.
The Five Year Development Plan was recently developed to help guide the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in planning for Great Lakes navigation system needs.
News and Events  

Next Great Lakes Stakeholders Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stupak makes pitch for new Soo Locks- Detroit Free Press  (12-15-2008)

Half a billion dollar project could be largest on Great Lakes in a generation- Business North (12-8-2008)

Corps: Dredging of Clinton River Going Smoothly - The Macomb Daily (11-9-2008)

Where We Are  

The Great Lakes Navigation System is run by the three USACE Great Lakes Districts

 To submit comments or questions related to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' role in Great Lakes Navigation, contact

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Last Modified: December 16, 2008