National Sign Standards Program Security Signs Banner

Security Signs

    Heightened security at some Corps sites may require additional signage to notify visitors that the sites are closed or that special precautions or procedures are in effect. Here are some guidelines to help select appropriate signs.

    When implementing baseline security posture (BSP), Headquarters Homeland Security Office has determined that Corps Civil Works projects should comply with the Sign Standards Manual EP 310-1-6a and 6b rather than the sign guidance in AR 190-13 and FM 3-19.30.

    The Sign Standards Manual already contains several signs that may fill your needs. Here are some possibilities:

    REG-04, page 14.18 of the Sign Standards Manual

    SNO-07, p. 14.27

    SNO-14, p. 14.27

    RES-01, p. 7.30a

    RES-02, p. 7.30a

    RES-03, p. 7.30a

    WRE-22, p. 14.18

    Here are other "Notice" signs (not in the manual) that may prove useful:

    If none of the legends shown above are appropriate for your particular needs, contact your district Sign Program Manager. You need no special permission from the National Sign Program Manager to create new legends for "Notice" or "Restricted" signs. "Notice" signs should follow either Grid A or Grid B on p. 11.3 of the Sign Standards Manual. "Restricted" signs should follow Grid 1 on p. 7.35.

    When creating custom "Notice" or "Restricted" signs, keep in mind the principles and guidelines found in Section 2 of the sign manual. Keep legends clear and concise (preferably no more than 10 words) and make sure the sign communicates only one message. Do not cite the authority from our regulations or the possible penalty.

    For further information regarding security signage, please contact the HQUSACE Physical Security Office at 202-761-8960.

    For further information regarding general sign standards, format, wording, etc., please contact the National Sign Program Manager at 651-290-5578.

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Updated September 2006