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Quality Assurance Program

Consumer Information AssessmentDownload all activities

This assessment provides you with an opportunity to review procedures regarding consumer information. It will assist in the review of information provided to students.

Consumer Information Activity 1: General Information

Why start with this activity?

The activity will give you the opportunity to review the general consumer information you should be providing to students and staff. It is also a great place to start your review of consumer information requirements.  Additional activities related to this assessment are found in the chart below.

If you identify areas requiring a corrective action, we recommend that you complete the Management Enhancement Worksheet.

Activity Bar:
Consumer Information Activity 1: General Information
Consumer Information Activity 2: Drug & Alcohol Prevention
Consumer Information Activity 3: Consumer Information for Student Athletes
Consumer Information Activity 4: Student Right-to-Know Act
Consumer Information Activity 5: Cleary/Campus Security Act
Consumer Information Activity 6: FERPA

Consumer Information Activity 7: Safeguarding Customer Information

Additional Links:  2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6 and Chapter 9; Handbook for Campus Crime Reporting

Consumer Information Activity
Scope and Special Definition: 668.41(c); 668.44; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-70 through 2-71, Disclosure requirements: 668.41(e)(5) Consumer Information Activity 1: General Information
Preparation and dissemination of materials: 668.42; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-70 through 2-71
Financial Assistance Information: 668.43, Required Information about the School 668.43; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-70 through 2-71
Institutional Information: 668.44
Constitution and Citizenship Day: Federal Register 5/24/2005 Educational institutions receiving Federal funding are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year. This notice implements this provision as it applies to educational institutions receiving Federal funding from the Department.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information: 668.14; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, page 2-85; the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Public Law 101-226)  Consumer Information Activity 2:  Drug & Alcohol Prevention
Availability of employees for information dissemination purposes 668.45: Completion/graduation rates for the general student body: 668.48
Calculating the rates 668.45
Disclosing the rates 668.45; 668.48; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-72 through 2-77
Completion/graduation rates for student athletes: 668.45; 668.48; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-72 through 2-77
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act 668.47; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-72 through 2-77
Disclosure of the Report 668.47; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-74 through 2-76. It must be submitted on-line at
Consumer Information Activity 3: Consumer Information for Student Athletes
Institutional security policies and crime statistics 668.47
Student Right-To-Know Act 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, pages 2-72 through 2-75, 668.45; 668.48;
Cleary (Campus Security) Act: 668.46; 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6, page 2-88.
Reporting Crimes: 668.46
Request to Disclose Information: 99.30

Consumer Information Activity 4: Student Right-to-Know Act

Consumer Information Activity 5: Cleary/Campus Security Act

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 9, pages 2-112 through 2-115 Consumer Information Activity 6: FERPA
HIPPA & FERPA: 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 9, page 2-115
Health & Safety Exemption Requirement: 34 CFR 99.31(a)(10) & 34 CFR 99.36, Public Law 107-56; DCL April 12, 2002 
Establishing and Maintaining an Information Security Program Pub. L. No. 106-102; US Code 15 U.S.C. 6801(b), 6805(b)(2), 2008-09 FSA Handbook, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 9, pages 2-116 through 2-118 Consumer Information Activity 7: Safeguarding Consumer Information

Policies and Procedures Chart

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