Safety, Permanency, and Well-Being

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Online Digest February 2008
  • Child Welfare News

Request for Applications: BSC on Safety and Risk Assessments

The Breakthrough Series Collaborative (BSC) on Safety and Risk Assessments sponsored by American Humane and Casey Family Programs moves to its next phase as 30 teams are recruited from across the country to join in using the BSC methodology to improve child welfare safety and risk assessments and decision-making. The 30 teams will receive technical assistance, training, and support from BSC staff and faculty to test multiple ideas, strategies, and tools on a small scale in their pilot sites. Through the repetition of and learning from these small tests of change, the most successful field-tested and measurable strategies and tools will be rapidly applied to entire jurisdictions or systems. Participating teams will also share lessons learned with other teams via the extranet, phone conferences, and four 2-day meetings.

The application process will be open February 11 to March 7 at

For additional information, contact Project Director Anne Comstock at 303.925.9481 or, or Project Manager Donna Parrish at 303.925.9427 or

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Vol. 9, No. 1
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CBX covers news, issues, and trends of interest to professionals and policymakers in the interrelated fields of child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
