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Duma Elections in Russia
December 9, 1999 | Institute Public Meeting


The GIS Edge in Post-Conflict Rebuilding
November 17, 1999 | Virtual Diplomacy Workshop
audio [Audio Available]


Transatlantic Relations in the Aftermath of Kosovo
November 17, 1999 | Institute Hill Briefing


Wye: One Year Later--An Address by Isreali Ambassador to the United States Zalman Shoval
November 2, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


Conflict in Chechnya: Implications for Russian Democracy
October 26, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


The Middle East in the Twenty-First Century: An Address by Egyptian Ambassador to the United States Nabil Fahmy
October 25, 1999 | Institute Public Meeting
audio [Audio Available]


Jordan, the Palestinians & the Final Status
October 14, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


Winning the Peace in Kosovo: An Address by Samuel Berger
September 30, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


Crisis in East Timor: An Address by José Ramos Horta
September 17, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Audio Available]


Perspectives on Grassroots Peacebuilding: The Roles of Women in War and Peace
September 14, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


Broadcasting in War Zones
July 8, 1999 | Virtual Dipomacy Workshop


Implications of the Peace Agreement
June 16, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


U.S.-Russia Relations: At the Crossroads
May 18, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


Managing the Legacy of Communist Repression in Germany
April 27, 1999 | Institute Roundtable


Crisis or Stability in the Balkans
April 23, 1999 | Institute Conference


Confronting Terrorist Threats
April 14, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


President Clinton addressed China policy in a speech to Institute staff
April 7, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing
audio [Richard Solomon's Introductory Remarks]


NATO's New Roles: The Kosovo Challenge
March 30, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


Promoting Human Rights in the Pursuit of Peace
March 17, 1999 | Human Rights Implementation Public Meeting


Beyond Protectorates: Possibilities for Peace in Southeastern Europe
March 16, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


Managing Information Chaos
March 12, 1999 | Virtual Diplomacy Workshop


Evaluating Truth Commissions: Lessons from Guatemala & South Africa
March 10, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


The Future of Democracy in Russia
February 18, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


1999 International Studies Association
February 16-20, 1999 | International Studies Association Session


Presidents of Ecuador & Peru Share Lessons from Recent Peace Agreement
February 5, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


The Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Role of Republika Srpska
February 4, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


Independent Media in Bosnia
February 2, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


Preserving the Free Flow of Information on the Internet: Serbs Thwart Milosevic, Round Two
January 6, 1999 | Current Issues Briefing


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