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July 11, 2008

Portrait Competition Update

Blog_portrait_competition_update Hello! We are Maggie and Meredith, the two Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 2009 interns, and your personal correspondents to everything portrait competition.  We are officially halfway through the call for entries, and we have answered over 400 emails and phone calls, making us all portrait competition, all of the time!

So far we have received more than 1,700 entries, and the breadth of submitted media has been absolutely amazing. Artists from all over the country have submitted not just works  in traditional media such as painting and sculpture, but also new and intriguing forms of artwork, proving that portraiture as a subject is constantly changing and evolving.

Blog_portrait_comp_logo Works submitted thus far include a sculpture of a family created through drops of acrylic paint on acrylic plastic rods and a photograph of a man with tribal tattoos covering his face. Other equally inventive works include a woodblock print on canvas of a homeless man and a trompe l’oeil self-portrait painted onto a functioning chair. We have received entries from every artistic medium and school imaginable, from hyperrealistic paintings to anthropomorphic drawings.

The Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 2009 continues to be an incredibly exciting project to work on, and we have loved communicating with all of you.  With less than a month to go in the call for entries period, we have learned one important lesson—we do not envy the panel that has to judge this competition!

The deadline for submitting your portrait to the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition is Thursday, July 31, 2008.  Visit the Web site to learn more and submit your work. 


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