Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) General Information


The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) data a set of person-level data files on Medicaid eligibility, service utilization, and payments. The MAX data are created to support research and policy analysis. The MAX data are extracted from the Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS). The MAX development process combines MSIS initial claims, interim claims, voids, and adjustments for a given service into this final action event. Unlike fiscal-based MSIS quarterly files, MAX data are organized into annual calendar year files. There are a number of other "value added" enhancements to the MAX data for users as described below.


MAX data are derived from MSIS, and because it is necessary to allow for the delay between service delivery dates and claims adjudication dates, the availability of MAX data for a particular time period lags behind that of the MSIS data. Since the MAX data contain individually identifiable data, they are protected under the Privacy Act. They are available for approved research activities only through a Data Use Agreement (DUA) with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Note that only approved academic research projects and certain government agencies are entitled to a DUA to obtain MAX data. For information on applying for a DUA, see the "Related Links Inside CMS" at the bottom of this page.


An "Introduction to Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Data" is available via the download listed at the bottom of this page. The presentation should answer a number of basic questions about MAX, in that it:

  • Presents the source and an overview of MAX data;
  • Describes five types of MAX data sets;
  • Explains the need for MAX data;
  • Reviews a number of MAX data enhancements for Eligibility, Service use and payment;
  • Provides linkages to other data sources;
  • Describes related MAX data products; and
  • Identifies Medicaid data limitations.

The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Chartbook

The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Chartbook is a research tool and reference guide on Medicaid enrollees and their Medicaid experience in 2002. Developed for state Medicaid directors, policymakers, researchers, and others interested in the Medicaid program, the chartbook consists of illustrative graphs, descriptive text, and an extensive data appendix with summary national- and state-level information on enrollee demographic and eligibility characteristics, Medicaid service use, and Medicaid expenditures in 2002. The chartbook summarizes the Medicaid program and the MAX data system. It also presents figures and tables that reflect the Medicaid population in 2002. Chapter 2 profiles Medicaid enrollees and their Medicaid experience nationally, Chapter 3 presents state-level detail, and Chapters 4 through 6 provide supplementary information on special topic areas, including managed care, dual Medicare/Medicaid enrollees, and service use and expenditures by detailed type of service. An appendix contains source data tables for Chapters 3 through 6. The MAX Chartbook (in PDF format) and its associated appendix tables (as zipped Excel files) can be downloaded below.

Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Data 2005 and Later

Although MAX data for 2005 are not available yet, the MAX data dictionaries are being changed to include new data elements that are being collected through MSIS:

New Eligibility Data Elements

  • Improved verification of Social Security Numbers (SSNs)
  • Expanded detail on enrollee race and ethnicity
  • Monthly dual Medicare and Medicaid enrollment (earlier years were reported quarterly)
  • Waiver plan identifier and waiver type up enrollment in up to three waivers per month
  • Enrollment in 1915(c) waivers on an annual basis

New Service Data Elements

  • Expenditures for 21 categories of community-based long-term care
  • National Provider Identifier (available in 2009)
  • Provider Taxonomy

The download includes a data element list and SAS ® Load Statements for these new dictionaries. The full dictionaries for 2005 and later years will be posted when they are available. It is anticipated that MAX 2005 data will be available in the fall of 2008.

Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Data 1999 to 2004

The downloads listed at the bottom of this page provide technical information regarding current MAX data (1999 to 2004).

  • General information –This download includes:
    (1) Information regarding which files are available,
    (2) Record counts by State,
    (3) A report of State Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment by Plan Type Combinations, as of December 1999 (available in both PDF and XLS formats), and
    (4) SAS Load Statements - For users of the Statistical Analysis System - SAS, we have prepared a sample of the SAS load statement that can be used for each of the MAX types of files from 1999 to 2004. While these load statements do not include all data elements for each file, they include most of the frequently used MAX data elements and examples of the various data formats present in the MAX data, including zoned decimal formats.
  • Data dictionaries – This download includes the data dictionaries for the Inpatient Hospital (IP), Long-Term Care (LT), Other Services (OT), Prescription Drug (RX), and Person Summary (PS) MAX files.
  • Data element lists – This download includes the data element lists for the Inpatient Hospital (IP), Long-Term Care (LT), Other Services (OT), Prescription Drug (RX), and Person Summary (PS) MAX files.
  • Validation Reports –This download contains validation reports for all 50 States and Washington D.C. and definitions of the analytic measures included in the Person Summary (PS) Validation Report.
  • Data Anomalies Reports –This download includes reports on the MAX Eligibility and Claims Anomalies.

Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Archive Data 1998 and Earlier

Downloads listed at the bottom of this page provide technical information regarding archive State Medicaid Research Files (SMRF) data for 1996-1998.

  • General information: This download includes information regarding what SMRF data are available and the record counts by state for 1996-1998.
  • Data dictionaries: This download includes the SMRF data dictionaries for the Inpatient Hospital (IP), Long-Term Care (LT), Other Services (OT), Prescription Drug (RX), and Person Summary (PS) files for 1996-1998.
  • Data element lists: This download includes the SMRF data element lists for the Inpatient Hospital (IP), Long-Term Care (LT), Other Services (OT), Prescription Drug (RX), and Person Summary (PS) files for 1996-1998.
  • Validation Reports: This download contains the SMRF data validation reports for the 31 states available for 1996-1998.
  • Data Anomalies Report: This download contains the data anomalies report on the SMRF data for 1996-1998.

Downloads listed at the bottom of this page provide technical information regarding archive SMRF data for 1995 and earlier.

  • General information: This download includes information regarding what SMRF data are available for 1995 and earlier.
  • Data dictionaries: This download includes the SMRF data dictionaries for the Inpatient Hospital (IP), Long-Term Care (LT), Other Services (OT), Prescription Drug (RX), and Person Summary (PS) files from 1995 and earlier.
  • Data element lists: This download includes the SMRF data element lists for the Inpatient Hospital (IP), Long-Term Care (LT), Other Services (OT), Prescription Drug (RX), and Person Summary (PS) files from 1995 and earlier.

Other Helpful Links

Medicaid At-a-Glance - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Center for Medicaid and State Operations produces the Medicaid At-a-Glance brochure.  The Medicaid At-a-Glance 2003 brochure provides general information regarding the Medicaid program's eligibility groups, mandatory state plan services, federal poverty level charts, and a chart which details the optional state plan services that states have elected to include under their plans and managed care waivers.  The Medicaid At-a-Glance 2005 brochure is now available. - a free resource from the Kaiser Family Foundation, allows users to easily view information for a single state or compare and rank data across all 50 states and compare it to U.S. totals. Information on more than 500 topics is displayed in easy-to-read tables and color-coded maps.

State Medicaid Fact Sheets - an interactive online tool from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, provides the latest key data for each state's Medicaid program and the population it serves, allowing for easy comparisons of one state to any other state or to the nation as a whole, on a selection of important indicators.  Utilizing the latest Medicaid data from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and drawn directly from Kaiser's continuously updated site for state health data,, this tool provides figures and tables that can be easily printed as custom fact sheets, emailed and saved.  

Medicaid Benefits Online Database an interactive online tool from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured provides easy access to information on services provided by each state's Medicaid program.  The database contains Medicaid benefits survey data from 2003 and 2004 with information about benefits covered, limits, co-payments and reimbursement methodologies for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Territories.  The tool allows for custom searches by state or service and allows for easy printing, emailing and saving of search results.

National Pharmaceutical Council - The 2004 edition of Pharmaceutical Benefits under States Medical Assistance Programs marks the 39th year that the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) has compiled and published one of the largest sources of information on pharmacy programs within the State Medical Assistance Programs (Title XIX) and expanded pharmacy programs for the elderly and disabled.  Due to the hard work of a skilled team and countless contributors the "Medicaid Compilation" has become a standard reference and invaluable resource in government offices, research libraries, consultancies, the pharmaceutical industry, numerous businesses, and policy organizations.

The data used to create each section of the "Compilation" are assembled from numerous sources.  The Compilation incorporates information on each State pharmacy program from an annual NPC survey of State Medicaid program administrators and pharmacy consultants, statistics from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and information from other Federal agencies and organizations.  

The MCH Policy Research Center is a health policy group that provides federal and state policymakers, public health officials, and provider and family organizations with analysis of financing and service delivery issues affecting children and adolescents.  One recent report analyzes the limits on the amount, duration and scope of Medicaid coverage that would be available to children in 50 states if the Early, Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) requirement was eliminated and states applied the coverage policies currently in effect for categorically needy adults.  There are other publications on Medicaid and SCHIP available on this web site. 

Introduction to Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Data [Powerpoint Zipped, 250 KB]

Frequently Asked Questions

The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Chartbook
The MAX Chartbook [PDF, 830 KB]

The MAX Chartbook Appendix Tables [ZIP, 402 KB]

MAX Data 2005 and later
General Information & SAS Loads
[Excel Zipped, 6 KB]  

[PDF Zipped, 112 KB]

MAX Data Dictionaries & Data Elements
[Excel Zipped, 23 KB]  

[PDF, 121 KB]

MAX Data 1999 to 2004
General Information & SAS Loads
[Excel Zipped, 128 KB]  

[PDF Zipped, 405 KB]

MAX Data Dictionaries & Data Elements
[Excel Zipped, 14 KB]  

[PDF Zipped, 538 KB]

MAX 2000 - 2004 Validation Tables & Measures
[Excel Zipped, 13,110 KB]

A-M [PDF Zipped, 34,237 KB]

N-W [PDF Zipped, 30,360 KB]  

Measures [PDF, 926 KB]

MAX Anomalies 1999 to 2004 [ZIP, 3,716 KB]

Archive Data 1998 and Earlier
These files are currently available only to CMS Data Center Users, such as CMS employees or contractors.
[Excel Zipped, 96 KB]

[PDF Zipped, 29,394 KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
Privacy Protected Data Requests

Data Use Agreement (DUA) Form

Statistical Compendium: Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit Use and Reimbursement in 1999

Medicaid At-a-Glance
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDac)

State Medicaid Fact Sheets

Medicaid Benefits Online Database

National Pharmaceutical Council

MCH Policy Research Center


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