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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Canadian Members

Jean-Guy Dépôt
President, Conseil régional de l'environnement de l'Estrie
20, chemin du Lynx, Lac Bowker
Orford (Québec) J1X 6V7
Tel. & Fax: (450) 532-4684
E-mail: lacbowker@cooptel.qc.ca

An environmentalist for the last 40 years, Jean-Guy Dépôt has always played a very active role in protecting water and natural resources through his work on various local, regional and national organizations. In particular, he has been actively involved with a number of regional consensus-building organizations in the Estrie region, such as the Environmental Advisory Committee of the Regional County Municipality of Memphrémagog, the Rivière Saint-François Watershed Management Committee, the Estrie Agro-environmental Roundtable, the Estrie Environmental Protection Federation, and the Estrie Regional Development Council, for which he chaired the Environmental Development Commission. In 1991, Mr. Dépot created the Estrie Environment Foundation (Fondation estrienne de l'environnement) and, in 1997, he co-founded the Estrie and Upper Saint-François Lakes and Rivers Environmental Coalition (Regroupement des associations pour la protection de l'environnement des lacs et cours d'eau de l'Estrie et du haut bassin de la Saint-François—RAPPEL). In addition, he played a key role on the Boucher Committee on nautical safety and the quality of life on Québec's lakes and rivers. He is currently a member of the Regional Advisory Committee on Watercraft Navigation and of the Canadian Marine Advisory Council. He is also a member of the International Secretariat for Water. Until recently, Mr. Dépôt chaired the Liberal Party of Québec's environment sub-committee. Today, he chairs the Estrie Regional Environment Council (Conseil régional de l'environnement de l'Estrie) and is vice-president of research and development of the Québec Coalition of Regional Environmental Councils (Regroupement national des Conseils régionaux de l'environnement du Québec). He is also president of the Lac Bowker Shoreline Property Owners' Association. In 2001, he was elected to the prestigious Cercle des Phénix, and in 2005 was named to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation's Joint Public Advisory Committee.

Irene Henriques
Associate Professor
Schulich School of Business
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M3J 1P3
Tel.: (416) 736-5068 or (416) 736-2100 ext. 77938
Fax: (416) 736-5687
E-mail: ihenriqu@schulich.yorku.ca

Irene Henriques is an associate professor at the Schulich School of Business, York University. Her research interests span both economics and management and include the economics of research and development, industrial organization and environmental management and sustainability. She has published numerous articles in leading journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Strategic Management Journal and the Academy of Management Journal. In 1998, she was a visiting international scholar at the University of California at Davis in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. She is currently a member of the advisory board for the Haub Program in Business and Sustainability, the York University Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS), and an OECD working group on firm-level management and environmental policy. She received her PhD in economics from Queen's University and her bachelor's and master's degrees from the Université de Montréal. In 2005, she was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America.

Gordon Lambert
Vice President, Sustainable Development
Suncor Energy Inc.
P.O. Box 38, 112 4th Ave. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2V5
Tel: (403) 269-8720
Fax: (403) 269-6246
E-mail: glambert@suncor.com

Mr. Lambert is vice president, sustainable development, for Suncor Energy. In this role, he directs Suncor's environment, health and safety policies and works with senior management and external stakeholders to align and improve the company's long-term financial, social and environmental performance. He was previously the director, sustainable development, for TransAlta Corporation following 15 years with a major Canadian integrated oil and gas company. He is involved with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in support of its work on climate change and sustainable development within the business community. He is currently on the board of the Suncor Energy Foundation, and NatureServe, which supports conservation efforts of governments and nongovernmental organizations internationally. Mr. Lambert is a also member and past director/treasurer of the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists. He is graduated in 1980 from the University of Guelph with an honors bachelor of sciences degree, majoring in biological science with a minor in economics. He was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America in 2004.

Merrell-Ann Phare
Executive Director/Legal Counsel
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Ressources
3rd Floor, 245 McDermot Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 0S6
Tel: (204) 956-0660
Fax: (204) 956-1895
E-mail: maphare@cier.ca

Merrell-Ann Phare is the executive director and legal counsel of the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. CIER is a national charitable indigenous organization focused on environmental capacity-building in indigenous communities. As a lawyer, Ms. Phare has worked extensively on indigenous, environmental and labor law issues and has recently completed comprehensive research focused upon indigenous peoples, water rights, and international trade. She is a member of the Regulatory Advisory Committee of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, previously served as a member of the Committee on Sustainable Development Implementation for the Province of Manitoba, and participated in Canadian and indigenous delegations to meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity. She was first appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America in 2001 and to the Selection Committee of the CEC's North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC) in 2003. In 2005, she was appointed to a second term on JPAC.

American Members

Patricia Clarey
Senior Vice President and Chief Regulatory
and External Relations Officer Health Net of California
21650 Oxnard Street
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Phone: 818-676-5394
Fax: 818-676-5933
E-mail: patricia.t.clarey@healthnet.com

Patricia Clarey is Senior Vice President and Chief Regulatory and External Relations Officer for Health Net, Inc., a publicly traded managed care company based on Los Angeles, California. Prior to joining Health Net, she was chief of staff to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in Sacramento, California. Ms. Clarey has 25 years of healthcare, natural resources and insurance experience both in the public and private sectors. Prior to joining Governor Schwarzenegger, she was vice president of government relations at Health Net, Inc., vice president of public affairs at Transamerica Corporation and president of the Transamerica Foundation in San Francisco, California. In addition, Ms. Clarey had served as deputy chief of staff to California Governor Pete Wilson, and as deputy director of the National Park Service and congressional liaison at the United States Department of the Interior, both based in Washington, DC. She also held government relations positions with Chevron Corporation and Ashland Oil, Inc. Ms. Clarey is a former board member of the California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy. She received her master's degree in public administration from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a Bachelor of Science degree from Union College in Schenectady, New York. She was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America in 2003.

Dinkerrai Desai
Environmental Coordinator
U.S. Army Material Command
Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703
Phone: (732) 532-1475
Fax: (732) 532-6263
E-mail: desai@mail1.monmouth.army.mil

Dinkerrai Desai has over 30 years experience serving the government and industry in the field of environmental science and engineering. He has served as the environmental coordinator at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, since 1981, where he is in charge of programs and contractors that assure environmental compliance support with pollution prevention initiatives, energy conservation and underground storage tank management. Mr. Desai's particular areas of expertise include remediation, pollution prevention, national environment policy act requirements, natural and cultural resources management, solid waste management, Clean Air Act requirements, brown field development and water quality requirements. He has published papers on various aspects of environmental science and has received several awards from the US Army. In addition, he received a citation for meritorious achievement in support of the Department of Defense's Environmental Quality Program during 1990. Mr. Desai holds an M.S. degree in environmental engineering, a B.S. degree in civil engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer in New Jersey. He was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America in 2003.

Jane Gardner (Chair)
Senior Counsel / Strategic Advisor
Corporate Environmental Programs
General Electric
844 Racquet Lane
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: (303) 494-5859
Fax: (303) 494-5386
E-mail: Jane.gardner@corporate.ge.com

Ms. Gardner is manager and counsel, Remediation Programs, Corporate Environmental Programs (CEP), General Electric Company, at GE's corporate headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut. She oversees the worldwide environmental remediation program for CEP. Ms. Gardner has over 20 years' experience in environmental law, focusing on hazardous waste cleanup and policy issues. She is a member of the National Advisory Committee for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT), a public advisory group to the US Environmental Protection Agency, on the subject of Superfund reform. From 1990 until 1993, she was the lead counsel for General Electric Company, CEP, Mid-Atlantic/Southeast Region, stationed in King of Prussia, PA. She was Assistant Regional Counsel with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Region VIII) from 1985-1990 with national expertise in the areas of federal facility environmental compliance and Indian law. Ms. Gardner graduated from Northwestern University with a B.S. in Speech in 1975 and from Harvard University (Ed.M.) in 1977. She completed one year of a doctorate at Harvard in 1981, and received her law degree from the University of Colorado in 1985. Ms. Gardner has been admitted to the bar in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. She was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America in 2003 and elected JPAC's chair in 2005.

Ralph B. Marquez
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
2906 Victoria Cove
Round Rock, TX 78664
Phone: (512) 809-5587
E-mail: rmarquezESP@aol.com

Ralph Marquez of Texas City, Texas, served two terms as an appointee to the Texas Natural Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) before retiring from the Commission at the end of March 2006. He currently works as an independent consultant, providing services in environmental strategies and policies. Prior to his appointment to the TCEQ, Marquez served on several TNRCC (predecessor to TCEQ) advisory committees and task forces. He is a registered professional engineer in Texas and has been a vice-chair of the Texas Chemical Council environmental committee, a board member of the Gulf Coast Water Authority, and a member of the State of Texas Waste Reduction Advisory Committee. He also served as chairman of the City of Texas City Environmental Advisory Board. From 1963 to 1993, Mr. Marquez worked for the Monsanto Company in various capacities, including as an internal company consultant for technical, regulatory and legislative environmental issues. He has a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Texas and a master's degree in future studies from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. While serving on the TCEQ, Marquez participated in the US Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Act Advisory Committee and the Governmental Advisory Committee to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation. He also has served as chair of the Environmental Council of States Air Committee and the Regulatory Reinvention Work Group. Mr. Marquez has been heavily involved in issues related to air, the Mexican border, and regulatory innovation during his terms on the commission. Mr. Marquez was appointed as a US representative to the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in the spring of 2006.

Patricia McDonald
4420 Berry Drive #3822
Wilson, Wyoming 83014
Phone: (307) 734-2758
Fax: (307) 734-2758
E-mail: pattyamcdonald@earthlink.net

Patricia McDonald is a consultant in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with more than 30 years of political, communications, and natural resources policy and management experience. She spent four summers as a seasonal backcountry ranger in Grand Teton National Park, and the intervening winters as a reporter and photographer for a local newspaper and doing marketing for Grand Targhee Ski Area. She then moved to Washington, DC, where she worked on Capitol Hill as chief of staff for US Senator Malcolm Wallop (R-WY), US Representative Barbara Cubin (R-WY), and US Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT), and as the Republican staff director of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. She served in the Reagan-Bush Administration as the western representative to Secretary of the Interior William P. Clark, and in the Bush-Cheney Administration as chief of staff of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) within the Department of Labor. She also worked as a lobbyist for western cattle and sheep ranchers and for the North American ski industry, assisted various political campaigns and ran her own lobbying firm (McDonald and Associates), specializing in outdoor recreation consulting. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in journalism. She was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America in 2003.

Mexican Members

Adriana Nelly Correa Sandoval
Profesor Investigado
Centro de Calidad Ambiental
ITESM Campus Monterrey
Av. Eugenio Garza Sada No. 2501 Sur
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64849
Tel.: (011 528) 183 28 40 32 / 183 58 14 00 ext 5266, 5268
Fax: (011 528) 183 59 62 80
E-mail: ancs@itesm.mx

Professor at the Center for Environmental Quality (Centro de Calidad Ambiental) of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), where she works on development planning projects including eco-regional planning, environmental management and management plans for priority sites and protected nature areas. Teacher of conservation biology course and coordinator of Conservation and Sustainable Development studies. A biologist with a master's degree in Environmental Systems, she has researched the ecology of bats and parrots, jungle regeneration and the economic valuation of ecological services. Co-editor and co-author of textbooks and articles on conservation, biodiversity and sustainable development. Founding associate of Pronatura Noreste, a conservationist civil association stressing community participation. Named member of the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation in 2002.

Gustavo Alanís-Ortega
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental
Atlixco No. 138
Colonia Condesa
México, D.F. 06140
Tel.: (011 525) 55 286 3323 ex.13
Fax: (011 525) 55 211 2593
E-mail: galanis@cemda.org.mx

Mr. Alanís-Ortega received his law degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, where he now teaches the environmental law course at the law school. He is also co-director of the university's post-graduate diploma program in environmental law and policy. Mr. Alanis holds a master's degree in international law from the Washington College of Law, American University, Washington, DC. Since August 1993, he has been president of the Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (Mexican Environmental Law Center—CEMDA), a public interest environmental law firm based in Mexico City. He is also active as a columnist for Reforma, one of Mexico's most widely read and influential newspapers. He is a member of the seventh cohort of the Leadership on Environment and Development Program (LEAD). Mr. Alanís-Ortega serves on the boards of directors of Appleseed-México and the Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), and is a member of Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW), the Climate Change Advisory Committee in Mexico, and the Environmental Law Advisory Group at the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS). In April 2008 he was appointed by the Mexico City Legislative Assembly to serve on the Citizen Board of the Office of the Environmental and Zoning Prosecutor (Procuraduría Ambiental y del Ordenamiento Territorial—PAOT). Also in 2008, he was appointed to a second term on the CEC’s Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC).

Martín Alberto Gutiérrez Lacayo
Director General de Pronatura México A.C
Responsable de la Gerencia General de la Organización
Circuito Cuauhtemoc 317, Colonia Izcalli I, Metepec Estado de México
Tel.: 01-72-211-22-60

An attorney specializing in environmental law who graduated from Universidad Iberoamericana, Martín Gutiérrez has been known in recent years as the creator of private land conservation schemes in Mexico, including the development of the first ecological easement agreements. Currently general director of Pronatura México, A.C., and consultant to the World Bank in land conservation and transversal integration, he was for 10 years director of Pronatura’s National Land Conservation Program.

Carlos Sandoval Olvera
Consejo Nacional de Industriales Ecologistas
Gabriel Mancera No. 1141
Col. Del Valle
México, D.F. 03100
Fax: (011 525) 55 559 3611
Tel: (011 525) 55 575 2337
E-mail: ecologia@conieco.com.mx

Civil engineer and president of the Mexican National Council of Industrial Ecologists (Consejo Nacional de Industriales Ecologistas de México, A.C.-CONIECO). Based in Mexico City, this nongovernmental business organization of more than 1,000 small and medium-sized industrialists promotes the reduction of pollution in industrial processes and Mexican industry's support for the environment. Carlos Sandoval, who holds a master's degree in Administrative Science, also is currently a member of the following advisory boards: Mexico City Metropolitan Environmental Commission; Council for Pollution Reduction and Environmental Evaluation of the Government of the Federal District (CONSERVA); Advisory Committee for the Urban Strategy Initiative of the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Andean Development Corporation; the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations in Brighton, England; the National Preparatory Committee for the Johannesburg Summit; Inter-American Program for Environmental Technology Cooperation in the Organization of American States (OAS); Transparency Working Group in the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales-Semarnat); and Business Coordinating Council. In 2002 Mr. Sandoval was appointed to the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America.

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