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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Mexico Environment Minister Luege opens international meeting on conservation and trade

Montreal, 3/11/2006 – Mexico’s Environment Minister, José Luis Luege, will join top international conservation experts for an intensive one-day workshop Tuesday, 7 November on the opportunities and challenges of biodiversity conservation in the context of freer trade in North America.

The public workshop, Trade in North America: Opportunities and Challenges for Conservation will occur in Cancún, Mexico and is being hosted by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)—an international citizen advisory group appointed by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Expert presentations and roundtable discussions will focus upon the management of protected areas, cross-boundary land conservation and the protection of endangered species.

The meeting’s outcome will support JPAC in its role of providing advice and recommendations to the CEC Council, composed of the top environmental officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States. JPAC’s fourth regular session for 2006 will follow the workshop.

A copy of the final agenda is now available for download from the CEC web site at www.cec.org/calendar.

For more information regarding this event, please contact the following media relations representatives:

Spencer Tripp
(514) 350-4331

Monica Rodriguez
52 (55) 5490-0972



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