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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Recommendations for the Development of Children's Health and the Environment Indicators in North America released for public comment

Montreal, 2/05/2003 – The Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) today released a document prepared by the CEC Steering Group on Indicators of Children's Health and Environment. The document is entitled "Recommendations for the Development of Children's Health and the Environment Indicators in North America". This document is now open for public comment. This initiative was launched by the CEC Council with its adoption of the Cooperative Agenda for Children's Health and the Environment in North America through Council Resolution 02-06.

This document contains a rationale and set of recommendations for an ongoing initiative to develop a set of indicators of children's health and the environment in North America. It was developed by the Steering Group based on two working documents entitled "Feasibility Study for the Development of Indicators of Children's Health and the Environment in North America" and "Steering Group Meeting Summary" which are provided as background documents.

The Steering Group, comprised of officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States, and representatives of the International Joint Commission (IJC) Health Professionals Task Force, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Expert Advisory Board on Children's Health and the Environment in North America, and the CEC Secretariat, was formed to guide the development of the project.

The next step will be for the CEC Council to adopt a resolution during their June 2003 meeting identifying a core set of indicators as the basis for Phase II of this work. The goal of the second phase of the project is to compile data on the core set of indicators and prepare the first North American report on indicators of children's health and the environment during the course of 2003, for publication in early 2004.

All comments received will be posted to the CEC web site in their original language. The closing date for comments is 2 June 2003. Please submit comments to Lorraine Brooke <lbrooke@ccemtl.org> with a copy to <mnichols@ccemtl.org> or by mail to the address below.

For more information or to obtain the documents, contact:

Lorraine Brooke
Acting Program Manager
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
393, rue St-Jacques West, bureau 200
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1N9



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