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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Invitation to attend 10th Regular Session of the CEC Council, on 23-25 June 2003, in Washington, DC

Montreal, 21/03/2003 – The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) invites you to the 10th Regular Session of the Council of the CEC and other concurrent events to be held from 23-25 June 2003, in Washington, DC.

During this session, the Council--which is composed of the environment ministers of Canada, Mexico and the United States--will examine opportunities and challenges for enhancing North American environmental cooperation, and identify priorities for 2004 and beyond.

The program of events begins on 23 June with a plenary session organized by the North American Working Group on Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Cooperation (EWG) and the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC), which is composed of five citizens from each country. Building on the results of this meeting, JPAC will provide advice to the Council on a long-term strategic vision for the EWG.

In the afternoon of 24 June, the Council will hold a public session, during which a limited number of members from the public will be invited to present oral statements on any issue related to CEC programs and initiatives. A plenary session on the same day will also provide the public an opportunity to discuss selected CEC initiatives.

Finally, in parallel to the above meetings, JPAC will also hold a regular session on 23 and 25 June in order to discuss a number of administrative issues. Members of the public are invited to attend as observers.

Financial Assistance/Oral Statements

Please note that attendance at the above meetings is open to all and free of charge. Not-for-profit organizations and individuals may apply for financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation expenses. A preregistration form, including oral statement and financial assistance guidelines, is available online at <http://www.cec.org/council>.

The deadline to pre-register, submit a request for financial assistance, and apply to present an oral statement to Council is 21 April 2003.


23 June 24 June 25 June
  • Opening of JPAC Regular Session
  • Plenary Session of North American Working Group on Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Cooperation (EWG) and JPAC
  • Official opening of the Council Session
  • Plenary Session: Update and discussion on selected CEC initiatives
  • Public portion of the Council Session
  • JPAC Regular Session (cont'd)

Additional information on the above events will be sent to pre-registered participants as it becomes available and will be posted on the CEC web site. In the meantime, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Daniel Brevé, by phone at (514) 350-4368; by fax at (514) 350-4345; or by email at <dbreve@ccemtl.org>.

The CEC was established by the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) to build cooperation among the partners of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in addressing environmental issues of common concern, with a particular focus on the environmental opportunities and challenges presented by continent wide free trade.



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