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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

CEC Releases Study Of The Upper San Pedro River

Montreal, 15/06/1998 – The Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)-created by a side accord to NAFTA-today released a public review draft of an expert report entitled Sustaining and Enhancing Riparian Migratory Bird Habitat on the Upper San Pedro River. The San Pedro is a binational river that serves as an important corridor for millions of migratory songbirds that winter in Mexico and breed during the summer months in the United States and Canada.

The study was prepared by an independent team of experts and describes the environmental conditions needed to protect the riparian migratory bird habitat on the Upper San Pedro River. The study also outlines a number of conservation measures and water management strategies that could help to ensure the preservation of this valuable habitat.

The release of the draft expert study marks the beginning of a sixty-day public comment period. Public participation is essential to the successful outcome of the San Pedro Initiative and any comments, questions or other relevant input to the expert study are welcome. A series of consultative workshops are scheduled to be held in southern Arizona in late July. Similar outreach activities in Sonora are currently under discussion. The public comment period ends Friday, August 14.

Any person or group wishing to obtain a copy of the draft report, or wanting to submit comments, may do so by contacting the CEC Secretariat or to the Udall Center at the addresses provided below.

Upper San Pedro Initiative
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
393, rue St-Jacques Ouest
Bureau 200
Montreal (Quebec) Canada
H2Y 1N9
tel: (514) 350-4300
fax: (514) 350-4314
e-mail: «rconnor@ccemtl.org»

Upper San Pedro Initiative
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy
University of Arizona
803/811 East First Street
Tucson, Arizona
85719 USA
voice mail: (520) 458-8278 ext.190
fax: (520) 621-9234
e-mail: « sanpedrol@u.arizona.edu»
WWW: «http://vpr2.admin.arizona.edu/udall_center»



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